In MemoriamNoel Rawnsley, 1909 - 115 pages |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
A-LOS ANGELES ambrosial beat Behold bells bliss blood bloom break breast breath bring brows CALIFORN THE UNIVERSITY calm cloud crown'd Danube dark darken'd dead dear Death deep divine doubt dream dust dying earth evermore eyes fades fair faith faithless fall fall'n fancy fear flower gloom grave grief half hand happy happy days harp hath hear heart heaven Hesper hill hope Hope and Fear hour human immortal Love land larch leaf leave light lips lives look look'd love thee marge mind moon morn move Muse night o'er peace regret rills Ring rise round seem'd Seraphic Sevenoaks shade Shadow shore sing Sleep song sorrow soul Spring star sweet talk'd tears THE-LIBRARY thine things thou art thought thro touch touch'd trance trust truth UNIVERSITY A-LOS ANGELES unto voice weep whisper wild wild bells winds wings wisdom words wrought yonder