By-laws of the Board of Education of the City of New York and By-laws of the Board of Trustees of Hunter College: Also Charter Provisions and Other Statutes Relating to the Department of Education


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Page 83 - ... that the child can read and legibly write simple sentences in the English language and that in his opinion the child is fourteen years of age or upwards, and has reached the normal development of * child of its age, and is in sound health and is physically able to perform the work which it intends to do.
Page 102 - Three of the managers so elected shall hold office for one year, three for two years, and three for three years.
Page 55 - Such authorities may provide for the confinement, maintenance and instruction of such children in such schools; and they, or the superintendent of schools in any city or school district, may, after reasonable notice to such child and the persons in parental relation to such child, and an opportunity for them to be heard, and with the consent in writing of the persons in parental relation to such child, order such child to attend such school, or to be confined and maintained therein under such rules...
Page 62 - York or the certificate of the completion of an elementary course issued by the education department, shall attend the public evening schools of such city, or other evening schools offering an equivalent course of instruction, for not less than six hours each week, for a period of not less than sixteen weeks or upon a trade school a period of eight hours per week for sixteen weeks in each school year or calendar year.
Page 71 - The badge provided for herein shall be worn conspicuously at all times by such child while so working; and all such permits and badges shall expire annually on the first day of January. The color of the badge shall be changed each year. No child to whom such permit and badge are issued shall transfer the same to any other person nor be engaged in any city...
Page 84 - It shall contain a statement certifying that the child has regularly attended the public schools or schools equivalent thereto or parochial schools for not less than one hundred and...
Page 81 - But in cities of the first class no child under the age of sixteen years shall be employed, permitted or suffered to work in or in connection with any such establishment after seven o'clock in the evening of any day.
Page 228 - ... the board of estimate and apportionment for its action. The board of estimate and apportionment shall appropriate for the general school fund for the year 1902 and, annually, for each year thereafter, an amount equivalent to not less than three mills on every dollar of assessed valuation of the real and personal estate in the city of New York, liable to taxation.
Page 73 - ... can be produced, then and not otherwise he shall present to the board of health of which he is an officer or agent, for its action thereon, a statement signed by him showing such facts, together with such affidavits or papers as may have been produced before him constituting such evidence of the age of such child, and the board of health, at a regular meeting thereof, may then...
Page 62 - ... to children of like age at the public school of the city or district in which such child resides ; and such attendance shall be for at least as many hours...

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