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if we are precluded from the exercise of reason in Religion, and are not "to tie the study of the natural sciences and religion together," we can have no hope of finding God in Nature, or of discriminating between the grossest superstition of the age and country in which we are born and the Religion of the Universe. Sir John Lubbock bears his testimony "that without science true religion is impossible." Faraday, however, was not without precedent. "The most enlightened theologians of the Catholic Church - Pascal, Malebranche, Bossuet, and Fenelon, received what they called Catholic doctrines, and mysterious dogmas to which no principles of reason could be applied. Some even said that the more the mysteries shocked the reason and the conscience, the more devoutly they were to be believed." "In all superstition," says Lord Bacon, "wise men follow fools; and arguments are fitted to practice in a reversed order." Again, the Duke of Argyll (Contemporary Review, May, 1871): "I do not know that the discoveries of modern science, great as they have been, and much as they are vaunted, have contributed anything towards the solution of the final problems of all human speculation. These, in so far as mere speculation is capable of dealing with them, seem to remain very much where the great intellects of the ancient world found them and left them." Surely Science, with those who, unlike Faraday, think it right to use it, has taken many of these problems out of the field of mere speculation. It has tested more than one Revelation, and shown that the sun no more goes round the earth in Ethics than in Physics, however in the one case, as in the other, appearances may deceive us.

COVENTRY, October, 1871.


Man probably one hundred thousand years old, and one hundred
million years in making. The creatures to whom the earth be-
longed before man. The missing link not yet found. Man's pro-
genitor according to Darwin. Advance measured by brain and
nervous system. The foetal changes. The functions of the brain
and nervous system. Mind-the highest development of force.
Comparative slow rate at which nerve force travels. Dr. Gall's
discoveries in cerebral physiology. Neglect of Gall's discoveries

Morality the science of man's duties; it concerns the why and the
how, or the principles and practice. THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALITY.
All action the result of pre-existent persistent force. No difference
therefore in actions themselves; the differences purely subjective.
We are conscious of the action of the mind and of the will, but
unconscious of the forces that govern both. Statistics prove these
forces to act as much in accordance with law in the moral as in the
physical world. No spontaneous act of will, and free-will a delusion.
Actions good or bad, not in themselves, but as they tend to promote
the general well-being, or greatest happiness of the whole sensitive
creation. A future state of rewards and punishments only carrying
Utilitarianism into another world. The Intuitionist-the source of
his error in the fact that none of our faculties seek happiness
directly, but have other ends, from which happiness results. Con-
science, an instinct based upon transmitted experience of utility,
requires the guiding hand of Reason to adapt it to present conditions.
Each age has had its own standard of right. No such things as
sin and evil-only pain and pleasure; the pain the necessary guar-
dian of the pleasure. Natural Selection, or the preservation of the
fittest, the doctrine of Utilitarianism in its last form. Objections
to Darwinism. The Natural Law and the right to live. The
Causes of Pauperism and the Remedies.

[blocks in formation]

THE PRACTICE OF MORALITY requires that we should make all as

happy as possible. Our wants point to our duties. Happiness

found in the legitimate and constant use of all our faculties.

Christian and Roman morals. Lecky on European morals. Moral

science a pure system of dynamics; the action of the will always

representing the strongest force, and as the strongest force is
always dependent upon the largest organs, a man's conduct must
depend upon the balance of his organisation. The Civil Service
Examination furnishes no test of character: only of intellectual
power and aptitudes. Petition of Sir George S. Mackenzie to
Lord Glenelg on the classification of criminals upon these prin-
ciples. Lunacy and vice the same, and require the same treat-
pp. 106-153

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The feelings and faculties by which the religious world is created.
Early history of religion. The Hebrew and Christian God. Super-
stition. Atheism preferable to Calvinism. Lecky on the Christian
Hell, and on persecution as the legitimate consequence. The
Shakers, who have no children, alone consistent. Old creeds pass-
ing away. Trimming. Religious language metaphorical. The
Theological Universe. Anthropomorphism. A new reformation

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