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" With what eagerness I used to look forward to the next number, and open the prints ! Ah ! never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated the story and adventures of Major Bath and Commodore Trunnion,... "
table-talk - Page 141
de a and w galignani - 1825
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The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things : in Two Volumes, Volume 2

William Hazlitt - 1826 - 462 pages
...forward to the next number, and open the prints ! Ah ! never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...ideas did they give rise, — with what airy delights 1 filled up the outlines, as. I hung in silence over the page ! — Let me still recal them, that they...
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The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things, Volume 2

William Hazlitt - 1826 - 458 pages
...forward to the next number, and open the prints ! Ah ! never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...Lorenza Sephora, of Laura and the fair Lucretia, whose Hps open and shut like buds of roses. To what nameless ideas did they give rise,— with what airy...
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The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things, Volume 2

William Hazlitt - 1826 - 464 pages
...forward to the next number, and open the prints ! Ah ! never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...Don Quixote and Sancho and Dapple, of Gil Bias and DameLorenza Sephora, of Laura and the fair Lucretia, whose lips open and shut like buds of roses. To...
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The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things, Volume 1

William Hazlitt - 1826 - 464 pages
...forward to the next number, and open the prints ! Ah ! never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...Toby, of Don Quixote and Sancho and Dapple, of Gil Blas and Dame Lorenza Sephora, of Laura and the fair Lucretia, whose lips open and shut like buds of...
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The New Mirror, Volume 3

George Pope Morris, Nathaniel Parker Willis - 1844 - 530 pages
...forward to the next number, and open Ihe prints I Ah ! never again shall I feel the entluieiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...Toby, of Don Quixote and Sancho and Dapple, of Gil lilas and Dame Lorenza Scphora, of Laura and the fair Lucrvtia, whose lips open and shut like buds...
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The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things

William Hazlitt - 1870 - 578 pages
...forward to the next number, and open the prints I Ah ! never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...Bath and Commodore Trunnion, of Trim and my Uncle Tohy, of Don Quixote and Sanchoand Dapple, of Gil Bias and Dame Lorenza Sephora, of Laura and the fair...
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The Book-lover's Enchiridion: Thoughts on the Solace and Companionship of Books

1883 - 320 pages
...forward to the next number, and open the prints ! Ah I never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...and Sancho and Dapple, of Gil Bias and Dame Lorenza Sophora, of Laura and the fair Lucretia, whose lips open and shut like buds of roses. To 8 what nameless...
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The book-lover's enchiridion, thoughts, selected and arranged by Philobiblos

Book-lover - 1883 - 336 pages
...forward to the next nnmber, and open the prints t Ah 1 never again shall I feel the enthuslastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...the story and adventures of Major Bath and Commodore Tnmnlon, of Trim and my Uncle Toby, of Don Quixote and Sancho and Dapple, of Gil Blas and Dame Lorenza...
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The Book-lover's Enchiridion: Thoughts on the Solace and Companionship of ...

Alexander Ireland - 1884 - 526 pages
...forward to the next number, and open the prints ! Ah ! never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...with what airy delights I filled up the outlines, as I hung in silence over the page ! — Let me still recall them, that they may breathe fresh life into...
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The Book-lover's Enchiridion

1884 - 532 pages
...forward to the next number, and open the prints ! Ah ! never again shall I feel the enthusiastic delight with which I gazed at the figures, and anticipated...Quixote and Sancho and Dapple, of Gil Bias and Dame Loreriza Sephora, of Laura and the fair Lucretia, whose lips open and shut like buds of roses. To what...
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