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" Still green with bays each ancient altar stands Above the reach of sacrilegious hands, Secure from flames, from Envy's fiercer rage, Destructive war, and all-involving Age. See from each clime the learn'd their incense bring ! Hear in all tongues consenting... "
table-talk - Page 272
de a and w galignani - 1825
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 75 à 76

John Bell - 1796 - 524 pages
...sometimes to fly. Those oft' are stratagems which errors seem, Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream. 180 Still green with bays each ancient altar stands, Above the reach of sacrilegious hands ; Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, Destructive war, and all involving age. See from...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: With His Last Corrections ..., Volume 2

Alexander Pope - 1804 - 236 pages fly. j Those oft' are stratagems which errors seem ; Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream. 180 Still green with bays each ancient altar stands Above the reach of sacrilegious hands, Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, Destructive war, and all-involving age. See from...
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A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are ..., Volume 4

Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 936 pages
...Kim Cbarltt. By vile hands to common use debas d, With sacril.-giou; taunt, and impious jest. Prior. Still green with bays each ancient altar stands, Above the reach of sacrilegious hands. Pope. Blaspk^my is a malediction, and a sacrilegious detraction from the Godhead. Ayliffe. SACRILE'GIOUSLY....
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The Poetical Preceptor; Or, A Collection of Select Pieces of Poetry ...

1806 - 408 pages
...sometimes to fly. Those oft are stratagems which errors seem, Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream. Still green with bays each ancient altar stands, Above the reach of sacrilegious handsj Secure from flames, from Knvy's fiercer rage, Destructive War, and all-involving Age. See from...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 1

Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 pages
...sometimes to fly. Those oft are stratagems which errors seem. Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream. Still green with bays each ancient altar stands Above the reach of sacrilegious hands, Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, Destructive war, and all-involving age. See from...
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The poetical works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections ..., Volume 1

Alexander Pope - 1807 - 316 pages
...dream . 130 Still green with hays each ancient altar stands Ahove the reach of sacrilegious hands, Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, Destructive war, and all-involving age. See from each clime the learn'd their incense hring! Hear in all tongues consenting uajans ring! 188...
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La Belle Assemblée, Volume 5

1808 - 408 pages
...sometimes to fly. Those oft are .stratagems which errors seem ; Nor is it HomiT nods, but we that dream. Still green with bays each ancient altar stands, Above the reach of sacrilegious hands ; Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, Destructive war, and all-involving age. See from...
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An English Grammar: Comprehending the Principles and Rules of the ..., Volume 2

Lindley Murray - 1808 - 542 pages
...precepts of age. Certainty, even on distressful occasions, is sometimes more eligible than suspense. Still green with bays each ancient altar stands. Above the reach of sacrilegious hands. The most acceptable sacrifice, is that of a contrite and humble heart. We are accountable for...
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Poetical Works

Alexander Pope - 1808 - 334 pages
...sometimes to By. Those oft are stratagems which errors seem, Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream. Still green with bays each ancient altar stands Above the reach of sacrilegious hands, Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, Destructive war, and all-involving age. See from...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: In Four Volumes ..., Volumes 1 à 2

Alexander Pope, Thomas Park - 1808 - 328 pages
...that dream. Still green with hays each ancient altar stands Above the reach of sacrilegious hands, Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, Destructive war, and all-involving age. See from each clime the learn'd their incense bring! Hear in all tongues consenting paeans ring I In...
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