Time travels in divers paces with divers persons : I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time trots withal, who time gallops withal, and who he stands still withal. table-talk - Page 236de a and w galignani - 1825Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | William Shakespeare - 1733 - 548 pages
...that been as proper? Rof. By no means, Sir : time travels in divers pa» ces, with divers perfons ; I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time trots withal, who time gallops with* al, and who he ftands ftill withal ? Orla. I pr'ythee, whom doth he trot withal? jhe Mouths of... | |
 | Sir Thomas Hayward - 1738 - 324 pages
...obfervation. Shakefpear's King John. Time travels in divers paces, with divers perfons ; I'll tell you \vho time ambles withal, who time Trots withal, who time gallops withal, And who he ltand>. full withal, z. Prithee whom doth he trot withal ? 1 . Marry, he trots hard with a young maid,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1740 - 454 pages
...not that been as proper ? Rof. By no means, Sir : time travels in divers paces, with divers perfons ; I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time trots withal, who time gallops withal, and who he ftands ftill withal ? Orla. I pr'ythee, whom doth he trot withal ? Rof. Marry, he trots hard with a... | |
 | William Oldys - 1740 - 328 pages
...not fmack of obiervation. Shake/pear's King John. Time travels in divers paces, with divers perfons ; I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time Trots withal, who time gallops withal, And who he ftands ftill withal. 2. Prithee whom doth he trot withal ? i. Marry, he trots hard with a young maid,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 310 pages
...not that been as proper ? Rof. By no means, Sir : time travels in divers pace» with divers perfons ; I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time trots withal, who time gallops withal, and who he ftands.Äill withal. Orla. I pr'ythee, whom doth he trot withal ? Rof. Marry, he trots hard with a... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 498 pages
...not that been as proper ? Rof. By no means, Sir: time travels in divers paces, with divers perfons; I'll tell you who 'time ambles withal, who time trots withal, who time gallops •withal, and who he flands ftill withal ? Orla. I pr'ythee, whom doth he trot withal ? Rof. Marry, he trots hard with a... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 452 pages
...not that been as proper ? Rof. By no means, Sir : time travels in divers paces, with divers perfons ; I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time trots withal, who time gallops withal, and who he. (lands (till withal ? Orlut, I pr'ythee, whom doth he trot withal ? Rof. Marry, he trots hard with... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1920 - 172 pages
...ii. pare Sonnet Ixxxi. and Antony and 28 : " Slaves as ragged as Lazarus in Cleopatra, 1n. iii. 24. who Time trots withal, who Time gallops withal, and who he stands still withal. Orl. I prithee, who doth he trot withal ? Ros. Marry, he trots hard with a young maid, between the... | |
 | Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 534 pages
...not thaj been as proper ? Rof. By no means, Sir. Time travels in diverfe paces with diverfe perfons. I'll tell you who Time ambles withal, who Time trots withal, who Time gallops withal, and who he ftands ftill withal. Orla. I pr'y thee whom doth he trot withal ? Rifr Marry, he trots hard with a... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1768 - 366 pages
...time, as well as a clock. Rof. By no means, Sir: time travels in divers paces, with divers perfons ; I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time trots withal, who time gallops withal, and who he ftands ftill withal ? Orla. And why not the fwiftfoot of time? had not that been as proper ? Rof. Marry,... | |
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