... contents of the work brought back to my mind in all their vividness, but the old associations of the faces and persons of those I then knew, as they were in their life-time — the place where I sat to read the volume, the day when I got it, the feeling... table-talk - Page 139de a and w galignani - 1825Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | 1821 - 746 pages
...to read the volume, the day when I got it, the feeling of the air, the fields, the sky — return, s ^$ + , or even from the Minerva press in Leadenhall-street. It is like visiting the scenes of early youth.... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1826 - 458 pages
...to read the volume, the day when I got it, the feeling of the air, the fields, the sky — return, and all my early impressions with them. This is better...Leadenhallstreet. It is like visiting the scenes of early youth. I think of the time " when I was in my father's house, and my path ran down with butter... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1826 - 462 pages
...to read the volume, the day when I got it, the feeling of the air, the fields, the sky — return, and all my early impressions with them. This is better...Leadenhallstreet. It is like visiting the scenes of. early youth. ^[ think of the time " when I was in my father's house, and my path ran down with butter... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1826 - 464 pages
...to read the volume, the day when I got it, the feeling of the air, the fields, the sky — return, and all my early impressions with them. This is better...— those places, those times, those persons, and thgse feelings that come across me as I retrace the story and devour the page, are to me better far... | |
 | George Pope Morris, Nathaniel Parker Willis - 1844 - 530 pages
...return, and all my early impressions wilh them. This is better to me — those places, those timos, those persons, and those feelings that come across...I retrace the story and devour the page, are to me bettor far than the wet sheets of the last new novel from the Ballnntyne press, to say nothing of the... | |
 | John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell - 1855 - 590 pages
...over and over again — avowing himself innocent of Lady Morgan and Anastasius, and ind ¡fiеrent to the wet sheets of the last new novel from the Ballantyne press, but recalling with tender delight his first acquaintance with an elder generation of anthors, " when... | |
 | Charles Dickens, William Harrison Ainsworth, Albert Smith - 1855 - 670 pages
...over and over again — avowing himself innocent of Lady Morgan and Anastasins, and indifferent to the wet sheets of the last new novel from the Ballantyne press, but recalling with tender delight his lirst acquaintance with an elder generation of authors, " when... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1870 - 578 pages
...to read the volume, the day when I got it, the feeling of the air, the fields, the sky — return, and all my early impressions with them. This is better...are to me better far than the wet sheets of the last newnovel from the Ballantyne press, to say nothing of tho Minerva press in Leadenhall Street. It is... | |
 | 1883 - 320 pages
...to read the volume, the day when I got it, the feeling of the air, the fields, the sky — return, and all my early impressions with them. This is better...Ballantyne press, to say nothing of the Minerva press in Leadenhall Street. It is like visiting the scenes of early youth. I think of the time " when I was... | |
 | Book-lover - 1883 - 336 pages
...sat to read the volume, the day when I got it, the feeling of the air, the fields, the sky— return, and all my early impressions with them. This is better...Ballantyne press, to say nothing of the Minerva press in Leadenhall Street. It is like visiting the scenes of early youth. I think of the time "when I was in... | |
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