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" The credit of the State shall not, in any manner, be given or loaned to, or in aid of, any individual, association or corporation. "
Proceedings of the State Convention of Maryland to Frame a New Constitution ... - Page 190
de Maryland. Constitutional Convention - 1864 - 856 pages
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The Constitution of the State of New York, Together with the Rules and ...

New York (State). Legislature - 1887 - 102 pages
...applied; and it shall not be sufficient for such law to refer to any other law to fix such sum. SEC. 9. The credit of the State shall not, in any manner,...given or loaned to, or in aid of, any individual, association or corporation. SEC. 10. The State may, to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues,...
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The United States Democratic Review, Volume 19

1846 - 526 pages
...applied : and it shall not be sufficient for such law to refer to any other law to fix »ach sum. " $ 9. The credit of the State shall not, in any manner, given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual, association or corporation. " § 10. The State may, to meet casual deficits of failures in revenues,...
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On Self-government: Together with General Plans of a State Constitution, and ...

1847 - 98 pages
...applied ; and it shall not be sufficient for such law to refer to any other law to fix such sum. 9. The credit of the State shall not, in any manner, given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual, association or corporation. Is matter of course. 10. The State may, to meet casual deficits or failures...
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The True Republican: Containing the Inaugural Addresses, Together with the ...

Jonathan French - 1847 - 506 pages
...applied ; and it shall notbe sufficient for such law to refer 10 any other law to fix such sum. 9. The credit of the State shall not, in any manner, be given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual association or corporation. 10. The State may, to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues, or...
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Disturnell's New York State Register for ...

1847 - 148 pages
...; and it shall not be sufficient for such law to refer to any other law to fix such sum. Section 9. The credit of the State shall not, in any manner, be given or loaned to. or in aid of any individual association or corporaiion. Section 10. The State may. to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues,...
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Geography of the State of New York: Embracing Its Physical Features, Climate ...

Joseph H. Mather, Linus Pierpont Brockett - 1847 - 444 pages
...applied ; and it shall not be sufficient for such law to refer to any other law to fix such sum. Sec. 9. The credit of the state shall not, in any manner, given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual, association or corporation. Sec. 10. The state may, to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues,...
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Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Volume 16

1847 - 634 pages
...applied ; and it shall not be sufficient for such law ю refer to any other law to fix euch earn. 9. The credit of the state shall not, in any manner, given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual, association or corporation. 10. The state may, to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues, or...
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The Land Owner's Manual: Containing a Summary of Statute Regulations, in New ...

Benjamin Franklin Hall - 1847 - 480 pages
...applied ; and it shall not be sufficient for such law to refer to any other law to fix such sum. SEc. IX. The credit of the State shall not, in any manner, given or loaned to, or in aid of, any individual association ot corporation. SEc. X. The State may, to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues,...
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New York Municipal Gazette (New York, N.Y.), Volume 1,Numéros 41 à 48

Ebenezer Meriam - 1847 - 224 pages
...not be sufficient for such law to refer to any other law to fix such sum. Section 9. The credit ofthe State shall not, in any manner, be given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual association or corporation. Section 10. The State may, to meet casual deficits orfailures In revenues,...
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Journal of the Convention, Assembled at Springfield, June 7, 1847: In ...

Illinois. Constitutional Convention - 1847 - 614 pages
...the tax shall be submitted to the people with the law authorizing the debt to he contracted. SEC. 38. The credit of the state shall not, in any manner, be given to, or in aid of, any individual, association, or corporation. SEC. 39. The general assembly shall...
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