New Physical Ideas Are Here Needed: Revolutionizing, 23 avr. 2007 - 364 pages How can we meet the increasing demands on American education for more content, greater complexity, and much higher levels of student success? How can we make every student a more effective learner? How can we help every teacher support learning more productively? How can we create schools that enable each and every child to achieve the education to which he or she aspires? We can with a new technology of education - a technology focused on student practice and conceptual visualization. Fortunately, this new technology is now at hand, and it can enable us to revolutionize education. Please join me in an exploration of these new physical ideas that are here, so desperately, needed. Art Bardige |
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... ... ............................................................................ The Homework Wars ...................................................................................... 289 290 293 295 299 A Passion for Learning ...
... ... ............................................................................ The Homework Wars ...................................................................................... 289 290 293 295 299 A Passion for Learning ...
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Table des matières
The Promise | 1 |
What is the Technology of Education? | 9 |
The Greatest Problem in Education | 15 |
Killing Our Best and Brightest Students | 23 |
Where has All the Time Gone? | 29 |
Numbers | 37 |
So Deeply in Debt | 46 |
Holes in the Fabric of Understanding | 52 |
Black Elk Speaks | 149 |
Danielles Story | 165 |
Clap for the Baby | 174 |
The Low Road | 181 |
Hitting Golf Balls at Night | 187 |
Goldilocks Assignments | 194 |
Learning is a Partnership | 201 |
Visualizing Mathematics | 207 |
The Magic Wand | 60 |
Why Cant Public Schools be like Private Ones? | 67 |
Students vs Teachers | 74 |
DUMP | 80 |
A Rush to Standards | 83 |
Shifting the Curve | 91 |
Cram Cram Cram | 98 |
Where have all the Scholars Gone? | 108 |
Building Blocks for a New Technology of Education | 115 |
The Graphing Calculator | 135 |
The Great American Probability Machine | 141 |
EnableMath | 231 |
Do You Know Where Your Kids Are? | 240 |
Concepts | 247 |
The Unique Invention | 279 |
The Sum of All Fears | 283 |
The Homework Wars | 289 |
A Passion for Learning | 302 |
Epilogue | 311 |
References and Notes | 341 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
algebra algorithm American education assignment believe better build calculator cation classroom concentration concepts create creative curriculum curve demands dents developed difficult discipline dynamic educa educational system enable EnableMath Eric Mazur experience feedback Fermi problem focus fractions function fundamental grade graph graphing calculator high school homework ideas imagine improve invention kids lecture Lesley University lesson linear equations look mastery mastery learning math math courses math teachers mathematics methodology movie multiplication NCTM Standards paper parabola parents patterns personal computer Phil Jackson physics picture private schools Putney School quadratic equation question requires school day scores screen standard started story student learning student practice talk taught teach technology of education tell textbook things tion understand variable visual