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1 THOU sweet gliding Kedron, by thy silver stream Our Saviour would linger in moonlight's soft


And by thy bright waters would oftentimes stray,

And lose in thy murmurs the toils of the day. 2 How damp were the vapors that fell on his head! How hard was his pillow, how humble his bed! The angels astonished, grew sad at the sight, And followed their Master with solemn delight.

3 O garden of Olivet, dear honored spot,

The fame of thy wonders shall ne'er be forgot; The theme most transporting to seraphs above, The triumph of sorrow, the triumph of love.

4 Come, saints, and adore him, come bow at his

feet; O give him the glory, the praise that is meet; Let joyful hosannas unceasing arise, And join


the full chorus that gladdens the skies.

Jesus our refuge from the 7's M.

storms of life.


1 JESUS, lover of my soul,

Let me to thy bosom fly;

While the billows near me roll,

While the tempest still is high!


2 Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,
Till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide,
O receive my soul at last!

3 Other refuge have I none,
Hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave, oh! leave me not alone,
Still support and comfort me!

4 All my trust on thee is stayed,
All my help from thee I bring;
Cover my defenceless head

With the shadow of thy wing.

5 Plenteous grace with thee is found,
Grace to pardon all my sin;
Let the healing streams abound,
Make and keep me pure within.

105. Jesus our Example in Suffering. 7's M.


1 Go to dark Gethsemane,


Ye that feel temptation's power,
Your Redeemer's conflict see,
Watch with him one bitter hour.
Turn not from his griefs away,
Learn of Jesus Christ to pray.

2 Follow to the judgment hall,
View the Lord of life arraigned.
O the wormwood and the gall!
O the pangs his soul sustained.
Shun not suffering, shame, or loss;
Learn of him to bear the cross.

3 Calvary's mournful mountain climb;
There, admiring at his feet,



Mark that miracle of time,

God's own sacrifice complete. "It is finished," hear him cry; Learn of Jesus Christ to die.

4 Early hasten to the tomb


Where they laid his breathless clay;
All is solitude and gloom;

Who has taken him away?
Christ is risen; he meets our eyes,
Saviour, teach us so to rise.

God's Miracles in Jesus.

Duke Street.

L. M.


1 BEHOLD the blind their sight receive!
Behold the dead awake and live!
The dumb speak wonders! and the lame
Leap like the hart, and bless his name!

2 Thus doth the eternal Spirit own
And seal the mission of his Son;
The Father vindicates his cause,
While he hangs bleeding on the cross.

3 He dies! the heavens in mourning stood;
He rises! and appears with God:
Behold the Lord ascending high,
No more to bleed, no more to die !

4 Hence and forever from my heart
I bid my doubts and fears depart;
And to those hands my soul resign,
Which bear credentials so divine.

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1 THE morning dawns upon the place

Where Jesus spent the night in prayer:
Through yielding glooms behold his face,
Nor form, nor comeliness is there.

2 Last eve, by those he called his own,
Betrayed, forsaken, or denied,
He met his enemies alone,

In all their malice, rage, and pride.
3 No guile within his mouth is found,
He neither threatens nor complains;
Meek as a lamb for slaughter bound,
Dumb midst his murderers he remains.

4 But hark! He prays, -'t is for his foes;
He speaks, 't is comfort to his friends;
Answers,-and Paradise bestows;
He bows his head; the conflict ends.

5 Truly this was the Son of God,

Though in a servant's mean disguise, And bruised beneath the Father's rod; Not for himself, -for man he dies.



Death of Jesus.

S. M.


1 BEHOLD the amazing sight,
The Saviour lifted high!
Behold the Son of God's delight
Expire in agony!

2 For whom, for whom, my heart,
Were all these sorrows borne?



Why did he feel that piercing smart,
And meet that various scorn?

3 For love of us he bled,

And all in torture died;


'T was love that bowed his fainting head,

And oped his gushing side.

4 I see, and I adore;

In sympathy of love,

I feel the strong attractive power
To lift my soul above.

5 In thee our hearts unite,

Nor share thy griefs alone;
But from thy cross pursue their flight
To thy triumphant throne.

That ye through his poverty
might be made rich.


С. М.

Mrs Steele.

1 THEN shone Almighty power and love,

In all their glorious plan,
When Christ descended from above
To dwell with sinful man.

2 To heal the misery below,
The Saviour left the skies;
And sank to poverty and wo,
That wretched man might rise.

3 Adoring angels tuned their songs
To hail the joyful day;
With rapture then let mortal tongues
Their grateful homage pay.

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