Twenty-one Letters: Written to a Near Relative at School

J. Johnson ... Black, Parry, and Kingsbury ... J. Hatchard ... Williams and Smith ... T. Conder ... L.B. Seely, ... and J. Smith, 1809 - 107 pages

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Page 80 - Remember thee? Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, That youth and observation copied there; And. thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain, Unmix'd with baser matter: yes, by heaven.
Page v - godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come,
Page 103 - ... land ? What will the future age have gained, When my poor name is seen, From knowing I was entertained By you at Cowslip Green } Rather let me record a name That shall adorn your page. Which, like the sun, is still the same, And shines from age to age : JESUS, who found me when I stray M In Afric'» dreary wild, Who for my soul a ransom paid, And made his foe a child.
Page 27 - If he were upon earth now, would you not wish that I should lead you to him, that he might lay his hands upon you and bless you, as he did the children which were brought to him? If he were here, and I could go with you and say, " Lord " bless my child likewise !" I am sure he would not frown at you, and say, " Take her away, I will have " nothing to do with her !" No, my dear child, he has promised, them that come to him he will in no wise cast out.
Page 73 - I have a cheerful hope that he will put you among his children, guide you through this wilderness world by his counsel, and afterwards receive you to his glory ; and that he sent you to me, that you might have the benefit of those means of grace and instructions, which by his blessing will be effectual to make you wise unto salvation. Though he alone can work in you to will, and to do according to his good pleasure, yet there is something incumbent on you. He has said, " They who seek
Page 105 - ... JOHNSON, GOING TO BOTANY BAY. The Lord, who sends thee hence, will be thine aid; In vain at thee the lion, Danger, roars; His arm and love shall keep thee undismayed On tempest-tossed seas, and savage shores. Go, bear the Saviour's name to lands unknown, Tell to the Southern world His wondrous grace; An energy Divine thy words shall own, And draw their untaught hearts to seek His face. Many in quest of gold or empty fame Would compass earth, or venture near the poles; But how much nobler thy...
Page 104 - He taught my wild, blaspheming tongue To aim at prayer and praise, To make his grace my theme and song, And guided all my ways. A pattern now of Mercy's power Where'er I stand is seen, Such as, I think, was ne'er before Beheld at Cowslip Green.
Page 105 - OMICRON TO JOHNSON, Going to Botany Bay The Lord, who sends thee hence, will be thine aid; In vain at thee the lion, Danger, roars; His arm and love shall keep thee undismayed On tempest-tossed seas, and savage shores. Go, bear the Saviour's name to lands unknown, Tell to the Southern world His wondrous grace; An energy Divine thy words shall own, And draw their untaught hearts to seek His face. Many in quest of gold or empty fame Would compass earth, or venture...

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