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" President, or to bring them, or either of them, into contempt or disrepute ; or to excite against them, or either or any of them, the hatred of the good people of the United States ; or to stir up sedition within the United States ; or to excite any unlawful... "
Register of Debates in Congress: Comprising the Leading Debates and ... - Page 2941
de United States. Congress - 1834
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The Balance, and Columbian Repository, Volume 2

1803 - 438 pages
...the hatred of the good people of the United States, or to stir up sedition within the United States ; or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for...powers in him vested by the constitution of the United Stales ; or to resist, oppose, or defeat any such law or act ; aid, encourage or abet any hostile...
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The Olive Branch, Or, Faults on Both Sides, Federal and Democratic: A ...

Mathew Carey - 1817 - 476 pages
...of his fellow citizens. United States, or to stir up sedition within the United Stales; or to excuer any unlawful combinations therein, for opposing or resisting any law of the U. States, or any act of the president of the United States, done in purs\iuncc of any such law, or...
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The Southern Review, Volume 3

1829 - 530 pages
...any unlawful combinations herein for opposing or resisting any law of the United States, or any ict of the President of the United States, done in pursuance of any such aw, or of the powers in him vested by the Constitution of the United States, or to resist, oppose or...
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The Register of Debates: Being a Report of the Speeches Delivered ..., Volume 2

1834 - 86 pages
...the hatred of the good people of the United Sta cs, or to stir up sedition within the United States; or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for...President of the United States, done in pursuance of invariable practice uf the Governors of the seany such law, or of the powers in him vested by ' "•-'--...
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The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of ..., Partie 2

United States. Congress - 1834 - 852 pages
...therein, for opposing or resisting nny lawofthft United States, or any act of the President of ilie Uniled States, done in pursuance of any such law, or of the...powers in him vested by the Constitution of the United Slates; or to resist, oppose, or defeat any such law or act; or to aid, encourage, or abet, any hostile...
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The New-York Review, Volume 3

1838 - 514 pages
...defame them, or to stir up sedition within the United States, or to excite any unlawful combination for resisting any law of the United States, or any act of the president thereof done in pursuance of law — or to aid or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against...
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The Public and General Statutes Passed by the Congress of the ..., Volume 1

United States - 1840 - 864 pages
...haired of the good people of the United States, or lo stir up sedition within the United States ; or lo excite any unlawful combinations therein, for opposing or resisting any law of the Uniled Stales, or any act of the president of ihe United States, done in pursuance of any such law,...
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The Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, Volumes 1 à 2

Henry Clay - 1843 - 1146 pages
...the hatred of the good people of the United States, or to slir up sedition within the United States; or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for...States ; or to resist, oppose or defeat, any such lav or act ; or to aid, encourage or abet, any hostile designs of any foreign nation against ihe United...
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The Life and Speeches of the Hon. Henry Clay ...

Henry Clay - 1843 - 622 pages
...the hatred of the good people ot' the United States, or to stir up sedition within the United States; or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for...constitution of the United States; or to resist, oppose, or dele it. any such law or act; or to aid, encourage, or abet, any hostile designs of any foreign nation,...
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The Life and Speeches of the Hon. Henry Clay ...

Henry Clay - 1843 - 614 pages
...United States, or to stir up sedition within the United States; or to excite any unlawful rombinitions therein, for opposing or resisting any law of the...constitution of the United States ; or to resist, oppose, or defext. any such law or act; or to aid, encourage, or abet, any hostile designs of a'iy foreign nation,...
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