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Rule 10. The Chief Clerk, under the direction of the President or a committee appointed by the President, shall superintend the compiling of the journal of the Senate and all work. to be done by the Senate. He shall certify to and transmit to the House of Representatives all bills, resolutions and papers, requiring the concurrence of that body, immediately after their passage or adoption by the Senate.

Rule 11. The Chief Clerk shall notify the House of Representatives of the acts of the Senate on all matters originating in the House of Representatives and requiring action on the part of the Senate.

Rule 12. The Chief Clerk shall permit no paper, document or record belonging to the Senate to be taken from his custody, except in the regular course of business.

Rule 13. The Chief Clerk shall insert the enacting clause in any bill before its passage, if the same has been omitted.

Rule 14. Any correction made by the Chief Clerk under this rule shall be noted by him in the journal.

Rule 15. Reading Clerk. It shall be the duty of the Reading Clerk to call the roll; read all bills, amendments, reports and papers ordered read by the Senate or the presiding officer.

Rule 16. Calendar Clerk. The Calendar Clerk shall keep a record of each bill, resolution, joint or concurrent resolution or memorial with the status of such bill and in whose hands the same is, which shall be revised daily and he shall, each evening, prepare and furnish to the State Printer a form for a printed calendar which shall contain the number of each of such documents and a synopsis showing the position of such bill, resolution, joint or concurrent resolution or memorial upon the calendar.


Rule 17. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be elected by the Senate to hold his office during the pleasure of the Senate; it shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to attend the Senate during all its sittings, to execute the commands of the Senate from time to time, together with all such process issued by authority thereof as shall be directed to him by the President. The actual expenses of the Sergeant-at-Arms incurred in obeying the orders of the Senate or the President of the Senate, or in executing the processes of the Senate, shall be paid out of the money appropriated to defray the expenses of the legislatve session.

Rule 18. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall cause copies of all bills, joint and concurrent resolutions and memorials, when printed, to be placed on the desks of the Senators as soon as the same are received from the State Printer.

Rule 19. The Sergeant-at-Arms is authorized to arrest for contempt any person other than a member of the Senate within the Senate chamber who is guilty of loud conversation or in any other manner disturbing the Senate.


Rule 20. It shall be the duty of the Doorkeeper to prohibit and prevent all persons, except those, who under these rules are entitled to pass in onto the floor of the Senate, from coming within the bar of the Senate, except upon the direction of the President or the order of the Senate.


Rule 21. No person engaged in presenting to the Senate or any committee of the Senate any business or claim for legislation shall be permitted to engage in such business during the sessions of the Senate or be permitted on the floor of the Senate during its session. Any person transgressing this rule shall be removed from the floor of the Senate and be denied the privilege of the floor during the remainder of the entire session. The President is charged with the enforcement of this rule, but it shall not apply to members of the Legislature.


Rule 22. Each member, when a vote is taken, shall vote unless the Senate, for special reasons, shall excuse him; but no member shall be permitted to vote upon any question, resolution, motion or other proposition in which he has any financial interest.

Rule 23. No Senator shall be interrupted when speaking and no question shall be asked him except through the presiding officer. The author of a bill, motion or resolution shall have the privilege of closing the debate.

Rule 24. Every motion shall, upon the demand of the President, or any member, be reduced to writing.

Rule 25. When a member is about to speak he shall arise and respectfully address himself to the President; and when a member is speaking, no member shall pass between him and the chair.

Rule 26. No member shall speak more than twice upon any question without leave of the Senate, except as provided in Rule 23.

Rule 27. During the last ten days of the session, no member, except the author of the bill, shall be permitted to speak on the final passage for a longer, period of time than five minutes; provided, however, that any member may waive his time in favor of any other member, and during said last ten days of the session no member shall be allowed to speak upon a motion or resolution for a longer time than three minutes.

Rule 28. Any member may call for a division of the question, when the same shall admit of it.

Rule 29. In forming a committee of the whole, the President shall leave the chair and may appoint any member as chairman to preside.

Rule 30. No member shall be permitted to vote upon any question unless he was within the bar at the time the question was stated, unless the Senate shall unanimously consent thereto.

Rule 31. When any petition, memorial or other remonstrance or proposition is presented to the Senate, the member presenting the same shall give a concise statement of the purport thereof, and it shall be disposed of according to its character, without reading, unless the reading thereof is required by a member.

Rule 32. No member shall absent himself from the service of the Senate without leave first obtained from the President, and any member absent without leave as herein provided, may be punished by a fine in such sum as may be ordered by the Senate.

Rule 33. When the Senate has perfected permanent organization, the Chief Clerk shall notify the House of that fact by a written message.

Rule 34. Any member may have a protest entered in the journal explaining his vote upon any question or protesting against any proposition before the Senate, provided the language and tenor of such protest would have been admissible in the discussion of the subject.

Rule 35. Two members may demand a call of the Senate whereupon the clerk shall call the roll, and all members who are absent, without leave, as in these rules provided for, shall be brought to the bar of the Senate by the Sergeant-at-Arms, and while the Senate is under call of the Senate, no business shall be transacted and the door of the Senate shall be locked and no person permitted to pass through the same, excepting the Sergeant-at-Arms and members of the Senate to enter the Senate chamber.


Rule 36. The following shall be the order or rule of doing

business in the Senate:

Petitions, memorials, remonstrances and resolutions.
Reports of standing committees in their regular order.

Reports from select committees.

Propositions and motions.

Introduction and reading of bills.

Second reading of bills, etc.

Engrossed bills read a third time.

Bills, reports and other business lying on the table.

First reading of House bills.

Second reading of House bills.

Third reading of House bills.
Other business of the House.
Other business of the Senate.

Orders of the day.

Rule 37. The President shall not, except by unanimous consent, return to the first order of business until the entire order of business has been called over, but if an adjournment occurs before the entire order of business has been called over and completed, he shall, upon taking up after adjournment, continue from the order of business under which the Senate is working at such adjournment.

Rule 38. No business of any character shall be transacted during the time when the Senate is under a call of the Senate.

Rule 39. A motion to adjourn and a motion to lay on the table shall always be in order, excepting when a member is speaking, when the Senate is under a call of the Senate or when either of such motions has just been put and decided in the negative, at which time neither can be repeated until after the transaction of some other business. These motions shall be decided without debate.

Rule 40. When a question is before the Senate, no motion shall be received except the following: To adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to a day certain, to commit, to amend, or to postpone indefinitely; which said several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are here arranged.

Rule 41. The question shall be put in this form: "As many as are of the opinion (as the case may be) say aye; of the contrary opinion, say no." In cases where the President is in doubt, he may call a division, or any member may call for a division. Upon the call of two Senators, a roll call on any question may be had.

Rule 42. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the President, or if in writing, it shall be read by the Reading Clerk, before it is debated.

Rule 43. After a motion is stated by the President, or read aloud by the clerk, it shall be deemed to be in the possession of the Senate, but may be withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment by and with the consent of the Senate.

Rule 44. When a bill, motion or resolution has been indefinitely postponed, it shall be considered definitely terminated, and the vote whereby the same was indefinitely postponed may not be reconsidered, and the Senate shall not during the same session again consider any bill, motion or resolution involving the same questions contained in any bill, motion, proposition or resolution theretofore indefinitely postponed.

Rule 45. Each bill shall be referred by the President to the committee to which it should be referred, according to the nature of such bill, and no member shall have the right to have a bill referred to a committee to which it does not properly belong; provided, that any bill appropriating money or which will cause the expenditure of money by the state shall, before it is placed upon the third reading, be considered by the Ways and Means Committee, and if it refers to another subject it may first be considered by the proper committee having charge of matter pertaining to such other subject.

Rule 46. No committee shall sit during the time the Senate is in session, without leave of the President of the Senate.

Rule 47. Committee Amendments. When amendments to a bill are made by a committee, the clerk of such committee shall prepare such proposed amendments in triplicate to be delivered to the Chief Clerk.

Rule 48. Committees; When to Report. Each committee shall act upon bills in its possession as soon as is practicable and when acted upon shall report the same back to the Senate forthwith; provided, that the Senate may at any time order a bill reported back from any committee upon a majority vote.

Rule 49. Standing Committees; Quorum of. Unless otherwise ordered by a committee, a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business before such committee.

Rule 50. The members of the Senate from the County of Multnomah and any joint district of which the County of Multnomah is a part shall constitute a standing committee, to be known as the Multnomah Delegation, but such committee shall choose its own chairman.

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