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Rule 69. All bills, memorials, joint and concurrent resolutions shall be presented in duplicate; one copy of which shall be retained and marked by the chief clerk as the original, and the other shall be used as copy for the printer.

Rule 70. In all cases not provided for in these rules the senate should be governed by the rules and practices as laid down by Roberts Rules of Order.

Rule 71. Any bill which amends an existing law of the state of Oregon shall have the new matter to be inserted into the act underscored, the old portion of the statute to be in ordinary type, and the portions to be stricken out to be inclosed in brackets; provided, that in the printed bill, the new matter shall be in italics and the deleted matter bracketed, and on the third reading of such bills matter so marked shall not be read as part of the bills unless specially requested.

Rule 72. All resolutions hereafter introduced, which must be passed by both senate and house and which affect only the two houses of the legislative assembly, shall be known as concurrent resolutions, and all resolutions, which must be passed by both the senate and house and which affect other matters, shall be known as joint resolutions.

Rule 73. When any state officer, department, board or commission shall request any senate standing or joint committee to introduce any bill or resolution as a committee bill or resolution, such committee shall indorse on the bill that fact, in substantially the following manner: "Introduced by Committee; by request

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Rule 74. Except as to appointments to the position of senator, which shall be considered immediately upon receipt of the appointment by the senate, all nominations and appointments requiring the confirmation of the senate shall immediately be referred by the president to an appropriate standing or special committee. If the committee reports on the nominees en bloc, the senate shall proceed to determine in each instance whether to vote on confirmation en bloc or separately. The vote on confirmation shall be taken by roll call. Except as otherwise provided by law or the order of the senate, 16 votes shall be necessary to confirm the appointment.

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