Referentially Oriented Cerebral MRI Anatomy: An Atlas of Stereotaxic Anatomical Correlations for Gray and White MatterThieme, 1993 - 234 pages |
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Ammon's horn anatomical and MRI Auditory radiations Auditory radiations Optic brain CA-CP calcarine fissure callosomarginal sulcus central sulcus cerebral cingulate cingulate gyrus commissure corpus callosum cortex cortical dorsal nucl Lat Dorso med nucl F G H Fasciculus fold fornix frontal gyrus Fusiform gyrus Globus pallidus gyri Gyrus dentatus hippocampi images inferior insula Lat dorsal nucl lat nucl Vent Lat post nucl lateral fissure lateralis Limen insulae medial midline MRI slices nucl Dorso nucl Lat dorsal nucl Lat post nucl Vent lat nucl Vent post nucleus occipital lobe olfactory operculum Parahippocampal gyrus parietal parieto-occipital plane post lat nucl post nucl Pulvinar postcentral posterior precentral precuneus proportional grid system Pulvinar Putamen radiations Optic radiations reference system Right Side Thalamocortical sagittal sections sector Side Corticifugal Fibers Side Thalamocortical Connections Spatial evolution sulci superior temporal surface temporal lobe thal thalami Tractus Vent lat nucl Vent post lat verticofrontal