The said commissioners shall, by a report under their hands and seals, decide upon the justice of the said claims and the amount of compensation, if any, due from the Mexican Government in each case. International Arbitrations and Awards - Page 6de George Ticknor Curtis - 1885 - 26 pagesAffichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
| Samuel Hazard - 1840 - 444 pages
...instance of the said commissioners. ARTICLE v. The said commissioners shall, by a report under their heads and seals, decide upon the justice of the said claims...any, due from the Mexican Government in each case. ARTICLE VI. It is agreed that if it should not be convenient for tha Mexican Government to pay at once... | |
| Georg Friedrich Martens - 1842 - 574 pages
...demanded at the instance of the said commissioners. Art. V. The said commissioners shall ,( by a re, port under their hands and seals, decide upon the justice...any, due from the Mexican Government in each case. Art. VI. It is agreed that if it should not be convenient for the Mexican Government to pay at once... | |
| United States - 1846 - 1068 pages
...said documente to be specified when demanded at the instance of the said commissioners. ARTICLE V. The said commissioners shall, by a report under their...any, due from the Mexican Government in each case. ARTICLE VL It is agreed that if it should not be convenient for the Mexican Government to pay at once... | |
| United States. Supreme Court - 1851 - 714 pages
...between the United States and Mexico. The fifth article imperatively requires the commissioners to " decide upon the justice of the said claims, and the...any, due from the Mexican government in each case." By the first section of the act of Congress passed 12th June, 1840, after directing in what manner... | |
| United States. Court of Claims - 1858 - 1096 pages
...citizens of the United States upon the Mexican government, and power was given to the commissioners "to decide upon the justice of the said claims and the...amount of compensation, if any, due from the Mexican governterest from the time the wrong was committed. — (Ex. Doc., 27th allowed to the claimants the... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate - 1858 - 868 pages
...citizens of the United States upon the Mexican government, and power was given to the commissioners "to decide upon the justice of the said claims and the...amount of compensation, if any, due from the Mexican governterest from the time the wrong was committed. — (Ex. Doc., 27th allowed to the claimants the... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate - 1860 - 840 pages
...commissioners, who should be sworn impartially to examine and decide upon said claims." "ARTICLE 5. That the said commissioners shall, by a report under their...any, due from the Mexican government in each case." These articles contain all the provisions of the treaty, respecting the duties and powers of the commissioners.... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate - 1871 - 934 pages
...said documents to be specified when demanded at the instance of the said commissioners. AETICLE V. ession of such lands, who, by reason of the recent...and the revolutions in Europe, have been prevented tic* of cUiro, &C. « j. « i Government m each case. ARTICLE VI. ceivable at the maritime cnstom-lionsos... | |
| United States - 1873 - 1180 pages
...said documents to be specified when demanded at the instance of the said commissioners. ARTICLE V. nd explicitly enumerated and classified as above, ;"rm!- amoutlt; °f compensation, if any, duo from the Mexican Government in each case. ARTICLE VI. It is... | |
| Arizona - 1875 - 248 pages
...the said documents to be specified when demanded at the instance of said Commissioners. ARTICLE v. The said Commissioners shall, by a report under their...any, due from the Mexican Government in each case. ARTICLE VI. It is agreed that if it should not be convenient for the Mexican Government to pay at once... | |
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