Clerk may correct his errors in delivering messages.. must not sit when House is in session... the person first named may act as chairman, but they Page. 179 122 122 121 manner of appointing the members and control over 138 may be appointed to sit in the recess after adjourn- 184 cannot receive a petition except through the House.. 122 a member elect, though not returned, may be appointed 112 when notified that the House is sitting they are bound time and place of meeting, when and where they 139 should not be unfriendly to a subject referred to them. 139 139 the child should not be put to a nurse that cares not 139 majority of, to constitute a quorum.... 139 they must act together and not by separate consulta- 139 members of the House may be present at their sittings. effect of a reference to, when a bill has been amended in Committee of the Whole..... Committee of the Whole, great matters usually referred to.. may elect their chairman... 144 122 123 Committee of the Whole, Speaker may resume chair if great disor- der Page. 123 manner of doing business in, in Senate... 143, 144 particulars which attach to.. Communications, confidential, to be kept secret... Common fame a ground for proceeding.. Conferences, common to have two, before vote to adhere.. must be asked by the house possessed of the papers. 144 185 124 176 176 175 when, by which House, and what stages to be asked. Co-existing questions discussed..... 176 176 162 125 118 133 D. Debate, no one to speak impertinently, superfluously, or tediously. 130 164 128-132 order the Speaker not allowed to engage in, except on points of if he rise to speak he must be first heard.. 12290 a member may speak at every reading of a bill.. reviling, nipping, or unmannerly words against a mem- indecent language against the proceedings of the House the Speaker may call a member by name for persistent 130 130 130 129 Debate, where warm words or an assault has passed between mem- proceedings of the House not to be censured.. Page. 131 130 a member not to be called by his name in 130 130 motives not to be arraigned.. violation of order in, to be suppressed by the Speaker.... disorderly words to be taken down immediately.. 130 130 131 131, 132 132 132 the Speaker to interfere promptly to arrest disrespectful 132 where the private interests of a member are concerned in Decorum (see Debate).. Defamatory publications breach of privilege.. Disorder in Committee of the Whole, Speaker to resume chair if great. Disorderly words, how and when taken down.. 133 128-133 110 123 132 Division of the House, practice in ascertaining 166-171 161.162 Doors, rule respecting their being closed.. 133 should not be shut, but be kept by persons appointed.... 133 Duel, challenge to, breach of privilege.................. 110 E. Elections, time, place, and manner of holding. of members to be judged by each House.. Engrossed bills not to be looked into while in Speaker's hands.... may be corrected by a clause in another bill, or by a new Clerk may correct an error in delivering a message. Execution of subsisting order. A member has a right to insist on the. 133 133 F. Felony, mode of proceeding on charge of treason, breach of the peace, or.... 113 G. Page. Gallery, clearing of... 133 Committee of the Whole cannot punish for disorder in... 145 H. Hats, when to be taken off........ House, division of, how ascertained.. House of Representatives. (See Representatives.) I. 133 166, 170 189, 192 157 124 Impeachment, sketch of the law of Parliament respecting on execution of a subsisting order. A member may. 174 133 133 what question shall be entered on.... titles of bills and parts affected by amendments to be in- to contain a brief statement of every petition, paper, &c., 181 181 181 a record in law 182 subject to examination... directions as to making up. either House may notice and inspect Journal of the other. L. Largest sum, question first put, in filling blanks.. Lie on table, may be called up at any time, matters that..... 182 181, 182 182 182 154 150 154 M. Majority decides on general questions... 170 Page. Members and officers of one House not amenable to the other..... 132 170 not to vote unless present when question was put..... 170 133 Memorial. may be heard, but must withdraw before a question is (See Petition.) Messages cannot be received in Committee of the Whole..... executive, to be made to both Houses at same time 132 123 1. 178 179 178 bills not acted on, the House may be reminded of them. 179 107 173, 179 Motion not to be put or debated until seconded to be read for information as often as desired by a'member. 134 134 134 to adjourn not in order when a member has the floor.............. 134 147, 155 removed from before House by adjournment, &c. (see 163 N. Newspaper publications, defamatory, breach of privilege Officers of either House, forms of nomination or election. disorderly words in committee to be taken down and re- 132 a member's name may be called by the Speaker for disorder. 130 133 decision of the Speaker on points of, may be controlled... 133 |