INDEX TO RULES AND DIGEST. Absent Members- Page. Members required to attend sessions. (Rule VIII, 1) ... 205, 206, 237 217, 237 Members absent without sufficient excuse may be arrested. 218, 237 218, 237 House shall determine on what conditions Members arrested Pending call of, for excuses, motion to adjourn in order... 238 237 238 238 238 238 238 238 Pending execution of continuing warrant for absent Mem- 238 When arrested after adjournment, have same status as if ar- 238 When in custody, not entitled to vote on motion to excuse 239 But may vote to excuse another Member..... 239 Members in custody not deprived of general right to vote.......... 239 Several, may be discharged from custody and excused by single 239 Motion to revoke leave and at same time dispense with call, 239 Competent to revoke leave and order arrest of absentees by a 239 Motion to revoke leave, precedence of. 239 Absent Members-Continued. Resolution or motion revoking leave of, does not require Resolution to deduct from compensation not in order as a Motion to revoke leave of, in order during a call of the House. excuse.. When Committee of Whole without quorum, roll must be Accounts For stationery of Members shall be kept and paid by Clerk. Page. 239 239 239 239 240 240 204 For pay and mileage of Members shall be kept and paid by 204 Of disbursement of contingent fund shall be kept by Clerk. 204 Committee on. (See COMMITTEES.) Shall consist of nine Members. (Rule X, 1)....... Subjects that shall be referred to. (Rule v, 2; Rule XI, 52; Shall determine amount for which Doorkeeper is liable for 206 205, 213, 235 205 May report at any time on expenditure of contingent fund. 214 Shall inquire into violations of rule prohibiting prosecution 235 Right of, to report at any time as to all matters of expendi- 239 Reports of, privileged...... 239 Reports of, subject to point that they must be considered in Committee of the Whole..... 239 Accounts for Pay and Mileage. (See COMPENSATION.) (See AMENDMENTS BETWEEN THE TWO HOUSES AND CONFER- Adjournment- Motion for, always in order, not debatable. (Rule XVI, 4, 5). 218, 241 order, not debatable. (Rule XVI, 4, 5) Precedence of motion for. (Rule XVI, 4). 218, 241 218 Adjournment-Continued. Only one motion for, in order pending motion to suspend Page. rules. (Rule XVI, 8). 219 Hour of, shall be entered on Journal. (Rule XVI, 5) 218, 244 241 Motion for, when quorum not present...... 241 When roll call shows House has decided to adjourn motion to fix day not in order. 241 Motion for, not in order while a Member is speaking.. 242 242 242 242 Motion for, or to fix day, not entertained after House resolves 242 Motion for, in order pending call of absentees for excuses.... 242 242 Motion for, can not be amended....... 243 Motion to fix the hour to which House shall adjourn not a 242 Motion for may be repeated after intervening business. 243 243 Motion for may be repeated, no quorum voting to second 243 Votes intervening which will allow repetition of motion for.. 243 ness 243 Motion to fix day can not be repeated unless business inter- venes 243 Motion to fix day may be renewed on same legislative day.... 243 Motion to fix day constitutes business ... 243 Motion for, in order before Journal is read.. 243 Precedence of motion to fix day... Motion to fix day not in order before Journal is read. Must be adjournment before legislative day terminates.. 243 244 244 244 244 244 Proceedings to enforce attendence of Members may be con- 244 Absent Members taken in custody after, under order continued 244 245 ings under call.... 245 |