CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, JEFFERSON'S MANUAL, THE RULES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF Pursuant to a resolution of the House passed August 28, 1894, DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT Explanatory Note. Citations in the Digest from the Constitution, Congressional Globe, Congressional Record, Journals, and Statutes, are indicated as in the following examples: Thus, Const. 1, 7, 2, 6, refers to article 1, section 7, subsection 2 of the Constitution, page 6 of this volume. Journal 1, 53, p. -, refers to the Journal of the House of Representatives, first session, Fifty-third Congress. (The Congressional Globe and Congressional Record are cited in like manner by reference to the session and Congress.) 27 Stat. L., refers to the twenty-seventh or last volume of the Statutes at Large of the United States. In some cases Statutes are cited thus: Laws (or Session Laws) 2, 43, p. —, referring to the volume of acts passed at the second session of the Forty-third Congress,-and being the equiv alent of 18 Stat. L. R. S. indicates the Revised Statutes of the United States (revision of 1878). Manual, refers to Jefferson's Manual, as comprised in this volume. II PREFACE. This compilation, being a manual of legislative procedure of the House of Representatives of the United States, is prepared and published in pursuance of law and a resolution of the House. The contents are: (1) The Constitution of the United States and amendments, with analytical index thereto; (2) Jefferson's Manual; the principles of procedure contained in the Manual being by Rule XLIV expressly adopted by the House so far as consistent with its other rules; (3) The rules of the House of Representatives as amended and in force at the adjournment of the first session of the Fifty-third Congress, with synopsis and marginal index; (4) A digest of the rules and practice of the House, including sections of the Constitution and statutes which relate to proceedings of the House and to the duties of its officers; (5) An appendix containing useful tables and catalogues not considered appropriate to the body of the digest. In the Digest proper the several rules and parts of rules relating to a particular subject are grouped together, thus presenting in compact form both the rules and practice relating to a point in question. Sections and paragraphs of the Constitution and laws are in like manner repeated in full where applicable. The decisions of Speakers and of Chairmen of the Committee of the Whole are sometimes given verbatim, but generally the substance or effect of the decision only is presented. On some questions the decisions are conflicting; while as to many other matters the practice of the House has been so long and well established that express rulings respecting them have not been required. In such cases the prevailing practice is briefly stated. |