| 1753 - 506 pages
...merchandizes, or effefts, on board the fame, intereft, or no intereft, or without further proof of intereft than the policy, or by way of gaming or wagering ; or without benefit of falvage to the Aflurer, and that every iuchAfliirance ihall be null and void to all intents and purpofes.... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 578 pages
...intereft. of any fuch ihip or ihips, intereft or no intereft, or without further proof of intereft than the policy, or by way of gaming or wagering, or without benefit of falvage to the afíurer ; and that every inch aíTurance fhall be null and void to all intents and... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 572 pages
...intereft. • of any fuch fhip or (hips, intereft or no intereft, or without further proof of intereft than the policy, or by way of gaming or wagering, or without benefit of falvage to the aflurer; and that every fuch aflurance (hall be null and void to all intents and purpofes.... | |
| James Allan Park - 1800 - 690 pages
...infurances made on fbips or goods, intertft or no intereft, or without farther proof of mterejl tian the policy, or by way of gaming • or wagering, or without benefit of faU" vage to the infurer, fhould be null and void. Page 262 See title Wager PoKciei. It is, by the... | |
| John Ilderton Burn - 1801 - 266 pages
...that infurances made on fhips or goods, intereft or no intereft, or without further proof of intereft than the policy, or by way of gaming, or wagering, or without benefit of falvage to the infurer, fhall be void. But fee. 2. contains an exception for infurances on private... | |
| William David Evans - 1802 - 364 pages
...or upon any goods on boardjuchjliips, intereft or no intereji, or without Jurther proof of intfre/l than the policy, or by way of gaming or wagering, or without benefit offalvage in the affyrer, fhouldbe void, with a provifo, that inlurances on private fhips of war, fitted... | |
| William Blackstone - 1807 - 698 pages
...all insurances, interest or no interest, or without farther proof of interest than the policy itself, or by way of gaming or wagering, or without benefit of salvage to the insurer, (all of which had the same pernicious tendency,) shall be totally null and void, except upon... | |
| Isaac 'Espinasse - 1808 - 480 pages
...premium. 1. What Policies are good. I. It is enacted by stat. 19 G. 2. c. 37. " That all insur" anees, interest or no interest, or without further proof of " interest than the policy itself; all gaminç or wagering pol" ides, or wherein the insurer shall have no benefit of sal" vage,... | |
| Alexander Annesley - 1808 - 308 pages
...stated in the preamble : " Whereas it hath been found by " experience, that the making assurances, interest or " no interest, or without further proof of interest than " the policy, hath been productive of many perni" clous practices, whereby great numbers of ships, " with their cargoes,... | |
| James Allan Park - 1809 - 356 pages
...board of any fuch fhip or " fhips, interejl or no intereft, or without further proof of intereft " than the policy, or by way of gaming, or wagering, or without " benefit of falvage to the nffiner s ' and that every fuch infurance " fhall be null and void to all intents and... | |
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