Laws of the State of New York, Volume 1

New York State Legislature., 1870
Includes private and local laws.

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Page 224 - Each battery of artillery shall consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one first sergeant, one quartermaster sergeant, four sergeants...
Page 823 - Such as shall have been purchased at sales upon judgments, decrees or mortgages obtained or made for such debts; and it shall not be lawful for any company incorporated as aforesaid to purchase, hold or convey real estate in any other case or for any other purpose...
Page 343 - ... and by that name they and their successors shall and may have succession, and shall be persons in law capable of suing and...
Page 439 - In case the greater rate of interest has been paid, the person by whom it has been paid, or his legal representatives, may recover back, in an action in the nature of an action of debt, twice the amount of the interest thus paid from the association taking or receiving the same ; provided such action is commenced within two years from the time the usurious transaction occurred.
Page 740 - ... committed on a lake, river, or other stream of water situated in two or more counties, the action may be brought In any county bordering on such lake, river or stream, and opposite to the place where the offence was committed : 2. Against a public officer or person specially appointed to execute his duties, for an act done by him in virtue of his office, or against a person, who by his command or in his aid, shall do anything touching the duties of such officer.
Page 397 - Corporation, shall be directly or indirectly interested in any contract, work or business, or the sale of any article the expense, price or consideration of "which is paid from the city treasury...
Page 900 - An act to amend chapter 755 of the laws of 1873, entitled "An act supplemental to the act entitled 'An act to reorganize the local government of the city of New York...
Page 238 - Governor; and no commissioned officer shall be removed from office, unless by the Senate on the recommendation of the Governor, stating the grounds on which such removal is recommended, or by the decision of a court-martial, pursuant to law. The present officers of the militia shall hold their commissions subject to removal, as before provided.
Page 843 - Washington's birthday ; the thirtieth day of May, known as decoration day ; the fourth day of July, called Independence day ; the twenty-fifth day of December, known as Christmas day ; any general election day; and any day appointed or recommended by the Governor of this State, or...
Page 178 - Houses thereof, with intent to influence his decision or action on any question, matter, cause, or proceeding which may at any time be pending, or which may by law be brought before him in his official capacity...

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