there exists a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, the object of preaching is not so much to enlighten the understanding as to quicken the heart; not so much to add to knowledge, as to incite to the performance of what is already known. This, it is believed, is as nearly as possible the views of the Friends; and upon an examination of their early writers, we accordingly find that all their labors were directed to this great object, -drawing the attention of the people to what they termed the light within, which they constantly and uniformly asserted was abundantly sufficient to lead into all truth, without any assistance from human means. Preaching, whether gratuitously or not, as a regular employment, they denounced as a retrogression to the Levitical institutions which were for ever abolished by the Gospel Dispensation, and denied its saving efficacy, inasmuch as the heart can only be rightly affected by the operation of the Holy Spirit; and it cannot be taken for granted that the divine influence can be commanded at all times and seasons alike. The only preaching therefore that they allow, is that which they conceive to be from the immediate inspiration of the Holy Spirit; and it follows as a matter of course, that their discourses are not only strictly extemporaneous, but unstudied. They must not therefore be looked upon as models of human composition, but with an especial reference to the leading doctrine before alluded to, that of leading the soul into direct intercourse with, and dependance upon, God, as the great fountain from whence all its wants will be supplied, irrespective of human agency. That the editor is correct in his explanation of the views of the Society of Friends with regard to the ministry, he conceives the early writers of the sect, Mr. Fox and Mr. Barclay, have left ample testimony; and to shew that the same views are still held, he has taken the liberty to extract the following quotation from Mr J. J. Gurney's work on the Peculiarities of the Society of Friends, where, treating of the nature and character of the christian ministry, he says, "In confirmation of the principles which "have now been stated, and as a further "proof that they legitimately arise out of "divine institution, I have now to appeal "to the numerous and plain examples of "inspired ministry recorded in the Bible." "Various instances are on record in that "sacred volume, of ministry uttered either "publicly, or on private occasions of importance; and the prayers, praises, and "discourses, thus spoken, bear the charac"ter, not of compositions prepared before "hand, through the exertions of human "intellect, but of effusions flowing spon"taneously from that divine Spirit who "animated and impelled the speakers. "When Joseph interpreted the dream of "Pharaoh; when the dying Jacob pro"nounced his blessing on his children and "grand children; when Moses sung aloud "his song of rejoicing, and when he recited "to the people the marvellous dealings of "God with them; when Joshua also re"counted the mercies of the Lord, and "exhorted the Israelites to obedience; "when Deborah and Barak uttered their "triumphant hymn; when Hannah in the "temple poured forth her thanksgiving "aloud; when Samuel communicated the "word of the Lord to Eli, and on another "occasion pleaded the cause of God with "the people; when David sung his psalms "of penitence, prophecy and praise, and "when his successor uttered his proverbs of "wisdom and his thousand songs, 1 Kings, "chap. iv. ver. xxxii; when Solomon, "when Hezekiah, and when Ezra, lifted up their voices in audible supplication "before the assembled multitudes; when "Elizabeth addressed with a loud voice "the mother of the Lord, and when Mary "responded with the voice of thanksgivng; "when Zacharias praised the Lord who "had visited and redeemed his people; "when John the Baptist proclaimed the "personal presence and approaching reign " of the Messiah; when all these and many "other individuals thus exercised the gift "of ministry, (as it would now be de"nominated,) there is every reason to "believe (and in some of the instances "alluded to, it is expressly declared) that "they spake as they were immediately "moveď by the Holy Ghost." pp. 141, 142. And thus also Mr. Elisha Bates, an American writer of considerable eminence, whose work on the Doctrine of Friends has been extensively circulated by the Society of Friends in this country, and some of whose sermons are in the present collection. "The call being of God, and the quali"fication by the effectual working of his power, it follows that human authority, "the will of man, or human acquirements, "cannot constitute a Gospel Ministry. In "the primitive Church, the apostles were "mostly illiterate men, and of what are "considered mean occupations, such as "fishermen, &c. For God made choice of "the weak, the foolish, and despised things " of this world, to confound 'the wisdom "of the wise, and bring to nought the "understanding of the prudent," 'that no "flesh should glory in his presence.' 1 Cor. "i. 19, 29. And this remains to be the |