The Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 1. The Practical study of Natural Science. 2. The protection, by its influence with landowners and others, of indigenous species requiring protection, and the circulation of information which may dispel prejudices leading to their destruction. 3. The discouragement of the practice of destroying the rarer species of birds that occasionally visit the County, and of exterminating rare plants in their native localities. 4. The record of facts and traditions connected with the habits, distribution, and former abundance or otherwise of animals and plants which have become extinct in the County; and the use of all legitimate means to prevent the extermination of existing species, more especially those known to be diminishing in numbers. 5. The publication of Papers on Natural History, contributed to the Society, especially such as relate to the County of Norfolk. 6. The facilitating a friendly intercourse between local Naturalists, by means of Meetings for the reading and discussion of papers and for the exhibition of specimens, supplemented by Field-meetings and Excursions, with a view to extend the study of Natural Science on a sound and systematic basis. |