George Washington's Rules of Civility: Traced to Their Sources and Restored

Chatto & Windus, 1890 - 180 pages
The editor's theory is that the Rules were derived from the oral instruction of Rev. James Marye, supposed to have been Washington's teacher in Fredericksburg, Va. The original source of the Rules appears to have been a French work, first published in 1617, and reprinted in various editions. The present work includes a comparison of the text of Washington's Rules with several editions of the French work, including an English translation.

Pages sélectionnées

Autres éditions - Tout afficher

Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 180 - Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.
Page 24 - In the presence of others sing not to yourself with a humming noise, nor drum with your fingers or feet.
Page 159 - Make no show of taking great delight in your victuals; feed not with greediness ; cut your bread with a knife ; lean not on the table ; neither find fault with what you eat.
Page 74 - Read no letters, books, or papers in company ; but, when there is a necessity for doing it, you must ask leave. Come not near the books or writings of any one so as to read them, unless desired, nor give your opinion of them unasked ; also, look not nigh when another is writing a letter.
Page 137 - Speak not in an unknown tongue in company, but in your own language, and that as those of quality do and not as the vulgar; sublime matters treat seriously.
Page 147 - Be not apt to relate news if you know not the truth thereof. In discoursing of things you have heard, name not your author always. A secret discover not. 45. Be not curious to know the affairs of others, neither approach to those that speak in private.
Page 104 - When a man does all he can, though it succeeds not well, blame not him that did it.
Page 58 - Turn not your back to others, especially in speaking; jog not the table or desk on which another reads or writes ; lean not on any one.
Page 127 - Speak not of doleful things in time of mirth, nor at the table ; speak not of melancholy things, as death and wounds, and if others mention them, change, if you can, the discourse.
Page 44 - He sleep amongst my most inveterate Foes And with gladness never wish to wake In deluding sleepings let my eyelids close That in an enraptured Dream I may In a soft lulling sleep and gentle repose Possess those joys denied by Day.

À propos de l'auteur (1890)

Moncure Daniel Conway was born on March 17, 1832 in Falmouth, Stafford County. He was an American abolitionist, Unitarian clergyman, and author. He graduated from Dickinson College in 1849, studied law for a year, and then became a Methodist minister in his native state. In 1852, thanks largely to the influence of Ralph Waldo Emerson, his religious and political views underwent a radical change, and he entered the Harvard University school of divinity, where he graduated in 1854. Here he fell under the influence of "transcendentalism", and became an outspoken abolitionist. After graduation from Harvard University, Conway accepted a call to the First Unitarian Church of Washington, D.C., where he was ordained in 1855, but his anti-slavery views brought about his dismissal in 1856. From 1856 to 1861 he was a Unitarian minister in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he also edited a short-lived liberal periodical called The Dial. Subsequently he became editor of the Commonwealth in Boston, and wrote The Rejected Stone (1861) and The Golden Hour (1862), both powerful pleas for emancipation. In 1864, he became the minister of the South Place Chapel and leader of the then named South Place Religious Society in Finsbury, London. His thinking continued to move from Emersonian transcendentalism toward a more humanistic "freethought". Moncure Conway's title's include: Life and Papers of Edmund Randolph, The Life of Thomas Paine with an unpublished sketch of Pain, Solomon and Solomonic Literature and My Pilgrimage to the Wise Men of the East. He passed away on November 5, 1907.

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