No female teacher in the elementary schools shall receive a salary greater than that fixed for the seventh year of service, nor a salary greater than that fixed for the twelfth year of service, unless and until the service of such teacher shall have been approved after inspection and investigation as fit and meritorious by a majority of the Board of Superintendents. Female teachers in elementary schools, during such time as they may be assigned by the Board of Superintendents to classes for the blind, shall receive additional compensation at the rate of $100 per annum. (This paragraph was adopted June 10, 1908.) (As amended January 28, 1903, June 24, 1903, December 27, 1905, April 11, 1906, and June 10, 1908.) FEMALE TEACHERS OF BOYS' AND MIXED CLASSES 11. A female teacher of a boys' class, or of a mixed class as defined in subdivision 1 of this section, shall receive the sum of $60 per annum in addition to the schedule rate of pay to which she may be entitled by reason of length of service or grade of class taught, said sum to be paid in monthly installments and included in the amount due on the payroll, but only as long as said female teacher shall remain in charge of a boys' class or a mixed class as defined in subdivision 1 of this section. The principal of the school in which said teacher is employed shall indicate in writing on the monthly payroll, against the name of such teacher, the fact that such teacher is entitled to the additional compensation. (As amended September 24, 1902.) TEACHERS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS-MEN 12. Male teachers teaching in any grade below the highest, and in the highest when that grade is taught in the same class with a lower grade, shall receive salaries in accordance with the following schedule: Under this schedule the minimum salary shall be $900; the maxi mum, $2,160; and the rate of annual increase, $105. Male teachers of shopwork shall be paid in accordance with Schedule VI. Male teachers in elementary schools appointed to classes in the 8 B grade shall receive salaries in accordance with the following schedule: Under this schedule the minimum salary shall be $1,500 per annum; the maximum, $2,400; and the rate of annual increase, $150. No person shall be appointed under, or promoted to, Schedule VII, or have a claim to salary therein, who has not had at least four (4) years of experience as a class teacher. Male vice-principals and first assistants shall receive pay under Schedule VII. No male teacher in the elementary schools shall receive a salary greater than that fixed for the seventh year of service, nor a salary greater than that fixed for the twelfth year of service, unless and until the service of such teacher shall have been approved after inspection and investigation as fit and meritorious by a majority of the Board of Superintendents. (As amended June 24, 1903, and December 27, 1905.) SUBSTITUTES IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 13. Male substitutes shall receive $3 and female substitutes $2.50 per day of actual service, except as provided in subdivision 3 of Section 53 and except normal school students licensed under clause (i) of Section 69, who shall be paid at the rate of $1.50 per day of actual service. Teachers appointed for a specified time, if such time is less than five school months, shall receive the pay of substitutes. Kindergarten helpers shall receive $2.50 per day of actual service. (As amended January 27, 1904, and March 28, 1906.) HIGH SCHOOLS-SALARIES OF PRINCIPALS SCHEDULE VIII 14. (a) A principal of a high school having supervision of not less than twenty-five teachers therein shall receive a salary of five thousand dollars per annum. (b) A principal of a high school having supervision of less than twenty-five teachers shall receive three thousand five hundred dollars per annum. lower grade, shall receive salaries in accordance with the following schedule: Under this schedule the minimum salary shall be $900; the maxi mum, $2,160; and the rate of annual increase, $105. Male teachers of shopwork shall be paid in accordance with Schedule VI. Male teachers in elementary schools appointed to classes in the 8 B grade shall receive salaries in accordance with the following schedule: Under this schedule the minimum salary shall be $1,500 per annum; the maximum, $2,400; and the rate of annual increase, $150. No person shall be appointed under, or promoted to, Schedule VII, or have a claim to salary therein, who has not had at least four (4) years of experience as a class teacher. Male vice-principals and first assistants shall receive pay under Schedule VII. No male teacher in the elementary schools shall receive a salary greater than that fixed for the seventh year of service, nor a salary greater than that fixed for the twelfth year of service, unless and until the service of such teacher shall have been approved after inspection and investigation as fit and meritorious by a majority of the Board of Superintendents. (As amended June 24, 1903, and December 27, 1905.) SUBSTITUTES IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 13. Male substitutes shall receive $3 and female substitutes $2.50 per day of actual service, except as provided in subdivision 3 of Section 53 and except normal school students licensed under clause (i) of Section 69, who shall be paid at the rate of $1.50 per day of actual service. Teachers appointed for a specified time, if such time is less than five school months, shall receive the pay of substitutes. Kindergarten helpers shall receive $2.50 per day of actual service. (As amended January 27, 1904, and March 28, 1906.) HIGH SCHOOLS SALARIES OF PRINCIPALS SCHEDULE VIII 14. (a) A principal of a high school having supervision of not less than twenty-five teachers therein shall receive a salary of five thousand dollars per annum. (b) A principal of a high school having supervision of less than twenty-five teachers shall receive three thousand five hundred dollars per annum. |