Sec. Subd.Page ATTENDANCE OFFICERS-Continued- Payrolls Supervised by City Superintendent. To place boys to whom employment certificates were issued, Pupils without employment certificates in day schools.. Whole time to be devoted to duties. AUDITOR- Absence without permission for purpose of advocating or Annual report (second) to the Mayor, to be prepared by.. 38 6 6 Certificate of service of janitor, janitor-engineer, etc., to be 55 26 85 filed in office of... 58 12 93 Payments, classification of and preparation of vouchers.... Deductions from teachers' salaries, statement to be furnished Disbursements to be examined, audited and recorded by.... Of deaths, resignations, etc.... On account of salaries and supplies for schools, record Payrolls of cleaners to be prepared twice each month..... 58 11 93 Of janitors, janitor-engineers and cleaners, deductions for absence, how made. 58 11 92 Of janitors, janitor-engineers and cleaners, prepared in office of 58 10 92 Of principals and regular teachers prepared in schools. 58 2 90 To be filed in office of... 58 2 90 Of special teachers, prepared under direction of..... Report of gas and electric meters to be filed by janitor.... 116 18 170 mitted to 39 16 36 To be notified upon termination of service of janitor, janitor- 58 13 94 To keep additional accounts if required. 29 1 21 To prescribe duties to be performed by clerks in his office.. 29 To be certified by Auditor. under his supervision 30 4 22 Superintendent of School Supplies to certify for work done under his supervision Blanks, forms, registers, etc., to be prescribed by City Superin tendent 39 14 36 To be transmitted by City Superintendent. Blind, classes for, female teachers of, to receive additional compensation Absence granted to principals and teachers without pay to be reported to Of teachers, etc., in schools that have been closed.... Accommodations, additional, when required for high schools and training schools Accounts, matters relating to, in charge of Committee on Annual report to be made by City Superintendent of Schools. 38 By the Executive Committee on the Nautical School.... 64 103 Appointments of clerks, etc., requisitions for.. To be confirmed by. 17 Appointments, promotions or transfers of teachers or princi- Board of Superintendents to report concerning appointments To report condition of schools. Cleaning and disinfecting of school buildings, etc., belonging to 25 4 18 Sec. Subd. Page BOARD OF EDUCATION-Continued- Clerks and other subordinates of, may be suspended by Presi- Clerks suspended or discharged by City Superintendent may 39 10 35 Commissions, etc., prohibited. 118 175 Contracts, amendments to, to be reported to..... of Special Branches to be nominated to... To be notified of appointments, promotions or transfers, 28 Examination of classes may be requested by member of..... 41 Evening elementary schools, nominations of principals, super- 55 7 81 Evening high schools, nominations of principals and 56 8 81 Evening schools, length of sessions to be recommended to.. Financial administration, matters relating to, in charge of High schools, establishment, consolidation of, etc., to be Inspections, results of by District Superintendents, to be re- Legislation affecting, to be referred... To report vacancies in the teaching force to...... Required to suspend officers, clerks and subordinates Marriage of female members of teaching and supervising staff Matters requiring consideration may be referred to appro- May confer additional administrative powers upon the Execu- May grant power to City Superintendent to employ assist- To be certified by Auditor. Superintendent of School Supplies to certify for work done under his supervision Blanks, forms, registers, etc., to be prescribed by City Superin tendent 39 14 36 To be transmitted by City Superintendent. Absence granted to principals and teachers without pay to be reported to Of teachers, etc., in schools that have been closed.... 44 10 55 Accommodations, additional, when required for high schools and training schools Accounts, matters relating to, in charge of Committee on Finance 15 1 10 Annual report to be made by City Superintendent of Schools. 38 By the Executive Committee on the Nautical School.... 64 Appointments, promotions or transfers of teachers or princi- Board of Superintendents to report concerning appointments To report condition of schools.. Cleaning and disinfecting of school buildings, etc., belonging to Sec. Subd. Page BOARD OF EDUCATION-Continued Clerks and other subordinates of, may be suspended by President between meetings Contracts, amendments to, to be reported to.... of Special Branches to be nominated to... Documents, books, etc., in charge of Secretary.... Elections to be held at special or stated meetings..... Employees of, not to charge for administering oaths. To be notified of appointments, promotions or transfers, by Secretary 28 6 20 Examination of classes may be requested by member of..... 41 13 Evening elementary schools, nominations of principals, supervisors and teachers to be made to... Evening schools, length of sessions to be recommended to.. Principals, supervisors and teachers, for service in, to be nominated to.... Financial administration, matters relating to, in charge of High schools, establishment, consolidation of, etc., to be determined by Inspections, results of by District Superintendents, to be reported to Legislation affecting, to be referred.... To report vacancies in the teaching force to.... 59 59 8 95 19 98 sary Majority necessary to form a quorum. 59 9 96 5 Required to suspend officers, clerks and subordinates Marriage of female members of teaching and supervising staff to be reported to..... Matters requiring consideration may be referred to appropriate committees May confer additional administrative powers upon the Executive Committee May grant power to City Superintendent to employ assistants to Board of Examiners. |