BOARD OF EDUCATION Sec. Subd. Page PRESIDENT Annual reports to the Mayor to be prepared under direction Diplomas given high school students, to be signed by Displaying of flags on school buildings, to be ordered by. Entitled to vote at all meetings of Committees. 11 1 22 Matters requiring consideration may be referred to the ap- 14 May suspend clerks and other subordinates between meetings Members of Standing Committees to be designated by.. 6778 Permission to be absent for purpose of legislation may be Special meetings, notice of, to be given in advance by. 3 3 5 of Standing and Special Committees to be appointed by. To continue until successor is chosen. 7 6 To designate each member of Board to be an ex officio member To be excused in same manner as regular teachers.... To report to City Superintendent. Without permission for purpose of advocating or oppos Assistants or teachers to be in charge of schools in absence of PRINCIPALS-Continued- Certificate of service of janitor, janitor-engineer, etc., to be Charges against, to be referred to appropriate Committee by Report of Committee to be presented at Executive ses- By Local School Boards 59 15 97 Children who left school to go to work to be reported by.. Results of, to be kept on record and open for inspection Diplomas given to high school students to be signed by. To vocational school students to be signed by.. Efficiency of schools, work of teachers, etc., to be reported. Admission of pupils to kindergarten classes under direc- Examinations for admission to high schools, when to be con- 52 Exercises, closing 46 To make suitable arrangements for holding.. 46 ..... Failure to report after appointment considered a declination. 40 10 39 Having had outside experience. 65 6 105 Heads of departments to act as assistants to.. Contagious disease in family of, to be reported to..... 115 172 175 167 223 Sec. Subd. Page PRESIDENT Annual reports to the Mayor to be prepared under direction of Diplomas given high school students, to be signed by. Displaying of flags on school buildings, to be ordered by Entitled to vote at all meetings of Committees. 11 1 7 Matters requiring consideration may be referred to the appropriate Committee by.... 14 May suspend clerks and other subordinates between meetings 10 11 Members of Standing Committees to be designated by.... Opinions, requests for from Corporation Counsel, to be made through 13 18 ....... Permission to be absent for purpose of legislation may be granted by Physicians, appointment of. Special meetings, notice of, to be given in advance by. Standing and Special Committees to be appointed by. Term of 7 To continue until successor is chosen.. 7 6 To designate each member of Board to be an ex officio member of one Local School Board.... To be excused in same manner as regular teachers.... To report to City Superintendent. Without permission for purpose of advocating or oppos- Administrative heads of their schools. Admission of pupils brought by attendance officers. Assistants or teachers to be in charge of schools in absence of{ Care of school property.... 53а 11 74 PRINCIPALS-Continued Certificate of service of janitor, janitor-engineer, etc., to be filed with Auditor ....... Charges against, to be referred to appropriate Committee by Report of Committee to be presented at Executive ses- 14 By Local School Boards 59 15 Children who left school to go to work to be reported by. Results of, to be kept on record and open for inspection Cleaners employed by Board under supervision of. 55773 6 175 60 Diplomas given to high school students to be signed by. Duties of, relative to absence of teachers. Efficiency of schools, work of teachers, etc., to be reported.. Admission of pupils to kindergarten classes under direc- Examinations for admission to high schools, when to be conducted by 52 Exercises, closing 46 To make suitable arrangements for holding. 46 Failure to report after appointment considered a declination. 40 Heating apparatus, mode of operating to be understood by.. Contagious disease in family of, to be reported to..... BOARD OF EDUCATION Sec. Subd. Po ..... PRINCIPALS-Continued Delinquency on part of, to be reported by. To report to Under direction of.... Lateness of, may be excused by Board of Superintendents... List of pupils for admission to high schools, to be compiled by 52 44 12 792772 May be permitted to visit other schools without loss of pay. Merit to be determined by Board of Superintendents... Nominations, promotions, transfers and assignments of. 52 13 6 Not to leave building without notifying assistant in charge. Of elementary schools, appointments, promotions or transfers Charges against, conclusions of Local School Board to be referred Duties Matters relating to, in charge of Committee on Elemen- ........ Trials of, to be conducted by Committee on Elementary Duties of Of evening elementary schools, books and stationery to be furnished to pupils Account of same to be kept by. Pupils and teachers held responsible for. Inventory of books and supplies to be made by.. Nomination, etc. Pupils, discharge of.. Of evening schools, certificate as to character of service of janitor, etc., to be filed with Auditor. Classes, when discontinued or consolidated. May assign substitute during absence of teacher or May be suspended by District Superintendent for gross 43 19 5 45 17 58 55 55 19 84 55 19 84 55 20 84 84 84 86 79 55 11 55 15 83 82 82 |