SECRETARY SEC. 28. 1. The Secretary shall have charge of the rooms, books, papers and documents of the Board; he shall keep the minutes of its meetings and cause the minutes of Committee meetings to be kept; and shall, in addition to his duties as Secretary of the Board, perform such other duties as may be required by the members or Committees. He shall have the custody of the corporate seal. In the absence, inability or disability of the Secretary, his duties shall be performed by the Assistant Secretary, or in case of necessity by the Chief Clerk. 2. The Assistant Secretary, the Chief Clerk, and all other clerks and employees in the Secretary's office shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Secretary. 3. The Secretary shall, as soon as possible after each meeting of the Board, notify the heads of bureaus of all matters referred to them, and shall also notify all Chairmen of Committees of the matters referred to their respective Committees. 4. No employee of the Board qualified to administer oaths and take affidavits or acknowledgments shall charge any fee therefor. The Board shall pay the fee required by law on the appointment of such notaries public or commissioners of deeds as may be necessary for the transaction of the business of the Board. 5. The Secretary shall prepare all contracts after the same have been awarded, and shall secure the execution of such contracts. He shall execute, on behalf of the Board of Education, all leases which have been duly authorized, prepared and approved according to law. 6. He shall notify all members of the teaching and supervising force, and all other employees of the Board, of appointment, promotion or transfer authorized by said Board. 7. All requisitions on the Municipal Civil Service Commission for the names of persons to be appointed to positions under the Board of Education, which are subject to the rules and regulations of said Commission, shall be made by the Secretary, upon the request of the proper officers or Committees. All notices of appointments, transfers and promotions of such employees shall be communicated by the Secretary to said Commission. AUDITOR SEC. 29. 1. The Auditor shall cause to be kept all records and books of account of the Board, and shall provide for the examination and classification of all payments, and for the preparation of the necessary vouchers for the signatures of the proper officers of the Board. He shall keep such other accounts as the Committee on Finance may require. 2. He shall examine, audit and record all disbursements on account of the Department of Education, and certify that the payrolls and bills therefor are correct in all respects, and are in conformity with law and the by-laws and regulations of the Board of Education. 3. He shall cause to be kept a record of the payments of money on account of each school for any and for all purposes, including salaries and supplies. The account of supplies shall be kept separately. 4. He shall prescribe the duties to be performed by all persons employed in the Auditing Bureau. In the absence, disability or inability of the Auditor his duties shall be performed by the Deputy Auditor. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS SEC. 30. 1. The Superintendent of School Buildings shall be the executive officer of the Board in respect to all matters relating to the Bureau of Buildings. He shall advertise for bids for the erection, equipment, alteration, or repair of any building used for educational purposes, when authorized by the Board, and when such advertisement is required by law or these by-laws. He shall open such bids at the time mentioned in the advertisement, in the presence of the Secretary or his representative, and of the Comptroller or his representative, as required by Section 419 of the Charter, and also in the presence of the Chairman or some other member of the Committee on Buildings; and shall tabulate the same and submit such tabulation to the Committee on Buildings for its action. He shall give a bond to the Board of Education in the sum of $5,000 for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. (As amended November 22, 1905.) 2. He shall examine all buildings and their appurtenances under the control of the Board in reference to their safety, sanitary condition, state of repair, and the necessity of alteration or improvement, and report the result of such examination to the Committee on Buildings, as often as, in his opinion, the interests of the school system require. 3. He shall, under the direction of the Committee on Buildings, prepare plans and specifications for new buildings, for alterations of buildings, and for such other work as may be required. He shall superintend all work done in connection with buildings under the control of the Board, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the terms of contracts for such work entered into by the Board. All plans for new school buildings or additions to school buildings, or for structural changes in old buildings, must be approved by the Superintendent of School Buildings, who shall then, through the Committee on Buildings, submit such plans to the Board for action. All authorized repairs of school buildings shall be promptly and efficiently made under his direction. (As amended November 22, 1905.) 4. He shall attach to every bill for work done, materials supplied or services rendered under his supervision or direction a certificate that such work, materials or services have been actually performed, supplied or rendered in accordance with a contract, agreement or accepted estimate, and, in case there is no contract in writing, that the prices or charges are reasonable and not in excess of current or market rates; and he shall thereupon forward the bills so certified to the Auditor. 5. He shall certify all payments due on contracts for work performed under his supervision, and shall attach to the last payment thereon a certificate to the effect that the contract has been fully performed and the work finished complete in every respect and to his satisfaction; that the last payment is due, and that all damages and allowances which should be paid or made by the contractor have been deducted from said payment; he shall also require from the contractor a certificate that there is no claim or demand for extra work or materials in connection with said contract, except as stated therein. 6. He shall have charge of and prescribe the duties to be performed by all persons employed in the Bureau of Buildings, subject to rules and regulations prescribed by the Committee on Buildings. 7. He may, subject to the approval of the Board of Education, appoint a Deputy Superintendent for each of the Boroughs, who shall be an architect or engineer of good standing. He may, in his discretion, assign any such Deputy Superintendent to duty in any Borough. (As amended March 28, 1906.) 8. In the absence of the Superintendent of School Buildings he may designate a Deputy Superintendent, in his place and stead, to perform all the duties of said Superintendent. 9. The Committee on Buildings shall report to the Board for its action all amendments to contracts involving additional work for which an expenditure of funds is required, together with a statement of the additional time, if any, necessary for the performance of said work. Where changes in plans and specifications or work may be deemed advisable, and do not involve any liability for additional work, the Superintendent shall report his recommendations to the Committee on Buildings for its action. These provisions, however, are not to be construed as limiting the powers of the Superintendent as to the interpretation of contracts, plans and specifications, as therein provided for. (As amended November 22, 1905, and September 23, 1908.) 10. He shall cause inventories to be prepared of all school property, and files of the same to be preserved, and no property entered on any such inventories shall be delivered by the person charged with the care of the same except on orders from him. 11. He shall present a report to the Board in January and July of each year, showing all new buildings and additions in course of construction, the cost of the same, and the dates on which such buildings and additions will be completed; all buildings for which proposals have been solicited, and for which contracts have not been awarded; all buildings for which plans are being drawn; and other information of interest to the Board. DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS SEC. 31. 1. The Deputy Superintendents of School Buildings in the several Boroughs shall, under the direction and supervision of the Superintendent of School Buildings, have charge of repairs to all school buildings in their respective Boroughs. 2. The Superintendent of School Buildings may authorize the expenditure of a sum not exceeding $500 for necessary repairs, alterations or improvements to school buildings. Whenever the proposed expenditure exceeds $50 and is not more than $200, at least three estimates shall be obtained; whenever the proposed expenditure exceeds $200 and is less than $500, at least five estimates shall be obtained, provided that where bidders neglect or refuse to estimate, thus preventing the full number of bids from being received, and where the work is of such character that further delay may be followed by serious consequences, a report setting forth these facts may be submitted to the Committee on Buildings for its action and the work duly authorized. All such estimates shall be obtained upon specifications and plans where required, and an exact copy thereof forwarded to intending bidders. 3. All bids received under this section shall be in sealed envelopes bearing the number of the school, the Borough, the nature of the work and the name of the bidder. All bids shall be opened by the Superintendent after the time limit shall have expired, the results tabulated and presented to the Committee on Buildings for its action thereon. 4. The Superintendent of School Buildings may, in the case of an emergency, authorize a Deputy Superintendent to expend a sum not exceeding $150, but he shall immediately make a written |