Sec. Subd. Page TEACHERS-Continued Of evening elementary schools, nomination, appointment, etc. 55 7-10, 13 81,82 Responsible for books and stationery given to pupils... 55 19 84 ..:. Of evening high schools, nominations, assignments, etc.... Services may be dispensed with. Of evening schools designated by Board of Superintendents, To be present before regular time of beginning May be suspended by District Superintendent for gross Nominations made from eligible list.. Salaries Substitutes may be assigned in absence of. school having less than eight classes.. When dismissed When nominated.. Of high schools, absences. 55 10 82 To be reported to principal. 52 12 69 Matters relating to, in charge of Committee on High Of ungraded classes, may be granted absence with full pay for purpose of studying training of defective children.. 420 8 48 To report to inspector of ungraded classes..... Salaries Of vacation playgrounds and recreation centres, salaries... Of vacation schools, salaries..... Of vacation schools and playgrounds, nominations... To be in attendance previous to opening of session.... Of vocational schools, absences. Cause of, to be reported to principal.. Excused with pay.... Without pay Appointment To be in attendance previous to opening of sessions.... 42a 8 48 To report and receive supplies, etc.. 53a 6 73 Principals to furnish statement of ratings to..... 43 3 49 Private lessons for pay not to be given in any public school building Prohibited from contributing towards gifts, testimonials, etc. 45 17 58 41 6 42 48 2 60 45 17 58 43 17 51 49 1 61 Record of school, names of teachers, etc., to be kept in office of Local School Board... 41 3 41 13 58 Resignations of, to be made to the City Superintendent..... 45 Sec. Subd. Page TEACHERS-Continued Salaries Assistant supervisors of special branches........... Classes for the blind to receive additional compensation. Female teachers of boys' and mixed classes, elementary Inspectors of playgrounds and recreation centres..... Italian 65 19 121 Substitutes 65 19 121 Male vice-principals and first assistants. 65 12 113 65 19 120 Substitutes 65 19 120 65 25 129 6 32 Not to be reduced when transferred from an elementary Principals and branch principals of elementary schools. Of high schools.. Of model school in a training school. Of Parental School. Of school for the deaf. Of school with high school department. Of truant schools... Of vocational schools. Regularly appointed, assigned as additional teachers.... To be in attendance prior to opening of schools to 52 5 67 Substitutes, male and female. 65 21 123 65 21 122 65 21 122,123 65 25 128 65 25 128 Sec. Subd. Page TEACHERS-Continued Salary schedule, certificate to be transmitted to... Special, may be permitted to visit other schools without loss of pay 44 2 52 Result of visit to be reported by... List of, on file with City Superintendent... Name removed from list for refusal to serve...... 40 14 40 Preference given for length of service, pay of...... 40 14,15 40 To be assisted by teachers of part-time classes. To be in attendance before opening of schools in September To be exercised in rapid dismissal by principal of school.... 43 When incompetent, inefficient, etc., to be reported by principal 43 18 51 Women, to report marriage while in the service.. Work of, to be encouraged by District Superintendents..... Teachers and assistant supervisors of special branches, salaries.. |