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statement of the facts to the Committee on Buildings, clearly showing the exigencies of the case. (As amended January 25, 1905.) 5. Where the estimated value of any work on one school building exceeds $500 and is less than $1,000, plans and specifications shall be prepared and the work duly advertised for one week in the City Record, and the bids shall be opened as provided in Section 30, subdivision 1. Should the Committee on Buildings decide, however, that it would be for the best interests of the school system to avoid delay incident to printing and advertising, the said Committee may authorize the said work to be done as provided in subdivision 2 of this section, by obtaining three or five estimates as the circumstances and the urgency may require. (As amended January 25, 1905.)

6. Where the estimated value of work is less than $50 and an emergency or necessity is deemed to exist, a Deputy Superintendent may order said work at once and report the facts to the Committee on Buildings.

7. The duty prescribed by subdivision 4 of Section 30 may, in the discretion of the Chairman of the Committee on Buildings, be delegated to a Deputy Superintendent of School Buildings or to the chief clerk of the Bureau of Buildings.


SEC. 32. 1. The Superintendent of School Supplies shall be the executive officer of the Board in respect of the purchase, storing and distribution of all supplies for the use of the schools, the Board of Education, the officers and employees thereof, the several Local School Boards and the office of the City Superintendent; the printing for the Board and any of its officers, employees or departments and for the Local School Boards, and the transportation of pupils. He shall advertise for bids for supplies and equipments for the use of the schools, the Board of Education, or any of the bureaus thereof, and the several Local School Boards, and for the transportation of pupils, when authorized by the Board, and when such advertisement is required by law or these by-laws. He shall open such bids, tabulate the same and submit such tabulation to the Committee on Supplies for its action. He shall give a bond to the Board of Education in the sum of $5,000 for the faithful performance of his duties. (As amended November 22, 1905.)

2. He shall cause all books and other supplies to be properly delivered in good order, and in suitable and sufficient quantities to meet all demands, to the various schools in The City of New York, and to the officers of the Board of Education and of the several Local School Boards. He shall keep an account of the cost thereof, and of the quantity delivered to each school and office.

3. He may appoint such Deputy Superintendents of Supplies and such other subordinates as may be authorized by the Board. In the absence of the Superintendent of School Supplies, he may authorize a Deputy Superintendent, in his place and stead, to perform all the duties of said Superintendent. (As amended November 22, 1905.)

4. He shall attach to every bill for work done, supplies furnished or services rendered under his supervision or direction a certificate that such work, supplies or services have been actually performed, furnished or rendered in accordance with a contract, agreement or accepted estimate, and, in case there is no contract in writing, agreement or estimate, that the prices or charges are reasonable and not in excess of current or market rates; and he shall thereupon forward the bills so certified to the Auditor.

5. He shall have charge of and prescribe the duties to be performed by all persons in the Bureau of Supplies.

6. There shall be one general depository for the City and as many branch depositories as may be authorized by the Board, in which shall be received and stored in such quantities as the demand may, from time to time, warrant, all the various articles (except fuel) purchased under contract according to law, known under the general name of supplies, being such as are required for the use of the schools under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education, and for the use of the Board and the several Local School Boards. The depository or depositories shall be in charge of the Superintendent of School Supplies. (As amended March 21, 1906.)

7. The Superintendent of School Supplies shall prepare annually a list to be termed the Supply List of all books authorized by the Board, stationery, and other articles required by the schools under the jurisdiction of the Board for the next calendar year, and also of all books, blanks, stationery, etc., required in the offices of the Board of Education and of the several Local School Boards, and submit the same to the Committee on Supplies. All supplies, as far as possible, shall be obtained by contract made at public letting in the manner provided by Section 419 of the Charter.

8. All fuel required for the several schools and for the headquarters and offices of the Board of Education shall be furnished by the Superintendent of School Supplies.

9. The amount of money which may be expended for textbooks, stationery, and other school supplies, except fuel, during the year in each school shall be determined, under the direction of the Committee on Supplies, by the Superintendent of School Supplies, in accordance with the average attendance during the preceding month of November, unless otherwise ordered by the Committee on Supplies. (As amended December 23, 1903, and November 14, 1906.)

10. An accurate inventory shall be made, during the last week of June in each year, of the books, slates, maps, and all other articles usually embraced under the name of supplies in every school under the jurisdiction of the Board. Blank forms of inventory shall be furnished by the Superintendent of School Supplies for the purpose, and the same, when completed, shall be forwarded to and filed in the office of said Superintendent. The inventory shall designate the three conditions of supplies on hand, in separate columns, viz., "Good," "Half-worn," and "Old." In estimating the stock on hand, the whole of the class "Good" shall be entered on the list, one-half of the class "Half-worn," and one-fourth of the class "Old," the total being the quantity on hand of each item. A duplicate of the June inventory shall be used as the basis of the receipt to be given by the janitor to the principal on the closing of the schools for the summer.

11. When text-books, apparatus, or other scholastic supplies are needed in any school, requisition therefor shall be made by the principal, and all requisitions must be approved by the District Superintendent of the district in which the school is situated. Supplies for any school shall be entered in the pass-book provided, and the list shall be dated and attested by the signature of the principal.

12. When supplies of any kind, including furniture, are needed for the offices of the Board of Education, or of any of the Local School Boards, whether chargeable to the supply account or to the fund for incidental expenses, requisitions for the same shall be made upon the Superintendent of School Supplies by the proper officers or Committees. No liabilities for repairs or other necessary expenditures, chargeable to the fund for incidental expenses, shall be incurred except on the order of said Superintendent, save that in emergencies, when no opportunity for obtaining an order from said Superintendent is given, liabilities not exceeding $10 in amount may be incurred, but notice thereof must forthwith be given to the Superintendent of School Supplies.

13. Books of reference, printed postal cards, stamps, envelopes and stationery for the use of principals and Local School Boards may be furnished at the discretion of the Committee on Supplies.

14. Every order issued by the Superintendent of School Supplies shall be issued in quadruplicate, from a separate manifold book for each Borough and for the particular appropriation to which the order is applicable. The original order shall be transmitted to and shall be the property of the person or firm to which said order is issued; the duplicate copy shall also be transmitted to the same person or firm, and must be returned with and attached to the bill for supplies or materials furnished by said person or firm; the triplicate copy shall be filed by the Superintendent of School Supplies with the Bureau of Audit and Accounts as and when the order is issued. The quadruplicate copy shall be retained by said Superintendent. The original order and each copy thereof shall be on distinctively colored paper.

15. Suitable books and other material prescribed by the Board of Superintendents for school records shall be provided by the Superintendent of School Supplies.

16. The Superintendent of School Supplies shall cause an inventory to be made, in the months of June and December in each year, of all supplies in the several depositories for school supplies.


SEC. 33. Subject to the supervision of the Committee on Lectures and Libraries, the Bureau of Lectures shall be under the control and direction of the Supervisor of Lectures, who shall arrange for and direct the free lectures to be given in school buildings and other places of assembly; he shall prescribe the duties to be performed by all persons employed in the Bureau of Lectures, shall select and assign lecturers, and shall recommend the appointment of Assistant Supervisors of Lectures, not exceeding two in number, inspectors, local superintendents, operators and other persons whose services may be required in connection with lectures. The Assistant Supervisors of Lectures shall perform such duties as may be assigned them by the Supervisor of Lectures. In the absence, inability or disability of the Supervisor of Lectures, his duties shall be performed by an Assistant Supervisor of Lectures. (As amended December 23, 1902, and June 27, 1906.)


SEC. 34. Subject to the supervision of the Committee on Lectures and Libraries, the libraries shall be under the control and direction of the Superintendent of Libraries, who shall prescribe the duties to be performed by all persons employed by the Bureau of Libraries and recommend the appointment of all persons whose services may be required in connection therewith.

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