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SEC. 35. In accordance with the Civil Service Law, and the Rules of the Municipal Civil Service Commission adopted thereunder, the President of the Board of Education shall appoint two physicians, one man and one woman, to act as physicians of the Board of Education. It shall be the duty of such physicians to examine applicants for licenses and certify as to their physical condition. Offices for said physicians shall be provided in the Hall of the Board of Education and they shall establish office hours at times to be fixed by the President, including Saturday forenoon, for the performance of the duties of their office. (As amended January 14, 1903.)


SEC. 36. 1. All work of erecting, equipping, altering, repairing or enlarging school buildings and premises, the cost of which may exceed $1,000, and all books, stationery, printing, fuel, and other supplies for the use of the schools, the Board of Education, or any of the bureaus thereof, and the several Local School Boards, and the transportation of pupils, the cost of which may exceed $1,000, shall be done or obtained by contract, bids or estimates for which shall be invited by advertisement as provided by law. The appropriate Committee shall report in each case whether or not the advertisement for proposals has been duly published and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder. Whenever the question of the purchase of a school site or the erection or enlargement of a school building or addition shall be referred to the appropriate Committee, said Committee shall require from the City Superintendent of Schools a report in writing of such facts as relate to the necessity for such site, building or addition, the convenience of the location, and the number of departments, classrooms, and children to be provided for, with such additional recommendations or suggestions as he may deem desirable, and shall report thereon to the Board.

2. Whenever it may be decided by the Board that a building or addition is needed, the Superintendent of School Buildings shall































prepare and submit to the Committee on Buildings, for its consideration, the plans for and a general description in writing of such a building as he deems advisable, specifying the dimensions, the number and arrangement of departments and classrooms and all other material features, and estimating approximately the cost. Thereupon such plans shall be submitted to the Board for its action. Upon its approval thereof, proposals shall be duly advertised for, and contract shall be let in the manner prescribed by law. (As amended November 22, 1905.)

3. All proposals received by authority of the Board for any of the purposes herein before named shall be opened in the Hall of the Board immediately after the expiration of the time limited by the advertisement for the receipt thereof, by the officer advertising for the same, in the presence of the Secretary of the Board or in the presence of such clerk as the Secretary may designate; all proposals shall be thereafter filed in the office of the Secretary; and no proposal shall be received or considered that may be offered or submitted after the time limited as before specified. The appropriate Committee having charge of the matter may reject all bids or recommend that application be made in the manner provided by law to award the bid to other than the lowest bidder. Unless such action is taken, said Committee shall accept the lowest bid without further approval. (As amended April 22, 1903, and November 22, 1905.)

4. Upon the awarding of any contract as prescribed in this section, when the same shall have been confirmed and the contract executed on behalf of the Board, the Secretary shall, in writing, notify the person to whom the contract may be awarded that he must execute the contract and furnish the required bond within five days from the date of such notice.

5. The Committee in charge of any contract shall compute the time for the completion thereof from the date of the approval of said contract by the Comptroller, and a provision to this effect shall be inserted in all contracts; and said Committee shall determine


the amount of security to be required for the performance of any contract.

6. No contractor shall be accepted to perform any contract on behalf of the Board who may have failed to perform faithfully any contract with the Board.

7. Contracts entered into by the Board of Education, acting by and through the Committee on Buildings and the Committee on Supplies respectively, shall be signed, on behalf of the appropriate Committee, by the Chairman of such Committee, or, in his absence, by a member of the Committee designated for the purpose.


SEC. 37. 1. The Secretary shall keep a record of all teachers retired under the provisions of Section 1092 of the Charter of The City of New York, or of any act or acts amendatory thereof, setting forth the date of appointment, the date of retirement, and the amounts which such retired teachers are entitled to receive from the Teachers' Retirement Fund.

2. Monthly payrolls shall be prepared for the payment of such retired teachers.

3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the death of any retired teacher, and cause an entry thereof to be made in the record of retired teachers, and shall certify such death to the Comptroller of The City of New York.

4. All money, compensation or salary, or any part thereof, forfeited, deducted or withheld from any teacher, and not remitted to such teacher in accordance with the provisions of the by-laws of the Board applicable thereto, shall constitute a part of the Teachers' Retirement Fund.

5. The Auditor shall furnish to the Secretary a monthly statement of such deductions, and the Secretary shall certify monthly to the Comptroller the total amount so deducted.

6. No retirement of a member of the teaching or supervising staff recommended by the Board of Retirement shall be made by the Board of Education without a statement, furnished by the Board of

Retirement, of the length of service entitling such member to retirement. (This subdivision was adopted January 24, 1906.)


SEC. 38. 1. The annual report to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, required by Section 1094 of the Charter, shall be prepared by the City Superintendent of Schools.

2. The first annual report to the Mayor required by Section 1095 of the Charter shall be prepared by the Secretary, under the direction of the President.

3. The second annual report to the Mayor required by Section 1095 of the Charter shall be prepared by the Auditor, under the direction of the President.

4. The City Superintendent of Schools shall make an annual report containing a statement of the condition of schools of the City, and all such matters relating to his office, and such plans and suggestions for the improvement of the schools and the school system and for the advancement of public instruction in the City as he shall deem expedient. This report shall be made in October for the preceding school year.

5. The Superintendent of School Buildings shall make an annual report to the Board, covering the operations of the Bureau of Buildings, showing the number of school buildings and additions. completed and opened, the number of contracts awarded, the number of contracts outstanding and such other matters as he may deem expedient, and also a detailed statement of the estimated value of all school property in the City. This report shall be made. in January for the preceding calendar year.

6. The Superintendent of School Supplies shall make an annual report to the Board of the transactions of the Bureau of Supplies, giving the amount of purchases, the value of the stock on hand as per inventory, the amount of supplies furnished to each school and the cost of the same per pupil, together with a statement of the aggregate cost of supplies as compared with the previous year. This report shall be made in January for the preceding calendar year.

7. The Supervisor of Lectures shall make an annual report containing a statement of the free lectures and courses of instruction maintained by the Board of Education. This report shall be made in June for the preceding year.

8. The Superintendent of the Nautical School shall make an annual report on the work of said school. This report shall be made in January for the preceding calendar year.

9. The annual reports to the Mayor, and the annual reports of the Superintendent of School Buildings, the Superintendent of School Supplies, the Supervisor of Lectures, and the Superintendent of the Nautical School, together with other information relating to the public school system, shall be published in a volume to be known as the Annual Report of the Department of Education of The City of New York.


SEC. 39. 1. The City Superintendent of Schools shall maintain his main office in the Borough of Manhattan, in the building known as the Hall of the Board of Education. He shall have a seat in the Board of Education and a right to speak, but not to vote, on all matters before the Board.

2. He shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Superintendents, and all communications from said Board shall be made in his name, unless he may otherwise elect. In the event of enforced absence, he shall designate some member of said Board to act in his stead.

3. He shall have power to call together any or all of the Associate City Superintendents for consultation. He shall assign to them, subject to the by-laws of the Board of Education, such duties as in his judgment will be conducive to the welfare of the public schools.

4. He shall have power to call together any or all of the District Superintendents for consultation. Subject to the by-laws of the Board of Education, he shall assign twenty-three of them to the work of supervision in the Local School Board Districts for a period of one school year, in such manner that each shall have

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