to, and be approved by, the officer or officers, or body whose duty it is to approve such bond or sureties. TENURE OF OFFICE Section 1558. All officers elected or appointed under this act shall, unless otherwise expressly provided and unless sooner removed, hold their respective offices until their successors are respectively elected or appointed and have qualified. PENSIONERS NOT TO HOLD OFFICES, ETC. Section 1560. No person now receiving or who may hereafter receive any pension from The City of New York or any of the departments thereof, or out of any fund under said city or any of its departments, shall hold any office, employment or position under The City of New York or any of the counties included within said city. Any officer, subordinate or employe of said city or any of its departments or any of the counties included within said city now in receipt of any such pension shall forthwith forfeit such office, position or employment. ACTS APPLICABLE TO THE CITY OF NEW YORK Section 1610. All the provisions of all acts of the legislature of the state of New York, including said consolidation act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, of a general and permanent character, relating to the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York, in force at the time this act goes into effect, which are consistent with this act and its purposes, and which are not revised and included in or the subject matter thereof covered by this act, are hereby extended to The City of New York as herein constituted, so far as they are consistent with this act, and are not in their nature locally inapplicable to other portions of the city than the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York. And the provisions of law thus extended to The City of New York as herein constituted shall apply to said city throughout its whole extent, anything to the contrary notwithstanding contained in the charter of any of the municipal or public corporations or laws relating thereto, which are by this act united and consolidated with the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York. religious or denominational school, neither shall any property, real or personal belonging to said city, be disposed of to any such school, except upon the sale thereof at public auction, after the same has been duly advertised, at which sale such school shall be the highest bidder, and upon payment of the sum so bid into the city treasury; neither shall any property belonging to the city be leased to any school under the control of any religious or denominational institution, except upon such terms as the city property may be leased to private parties after the same has been duly advertised. PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION *Section 1553. All property sold (other than land under water and horses which have been or may be hereafter transferred in accordance with the provisions of section seven hundred and twenty-six of this act), shall be sold at auction, after previous public notice, under the superintendence of the appropriate head of department, except real property including buildings, fixtures and machinery therein, which shall be sold at public auction, after previous public notice, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the commissioners of the sinking fund and such sale shall be under the supervision of said commissioners and not otherwise. The proceeds of all sales made under and by virtue of this act shall, except as herein otherwise specially provided, be by the officer receiving the same immediately deposited with the chamberlain; and the account of sales verified by the officer making the sales shall be immediately filed in the office of the comptroller. PATENTED ARTICLES HOW SUPPLIED Section 1554. Except for repairs no patented pavement shall be laid and no patented article shall be advertised for, contracted for or purchased, except under such circumstances that there can be a fair and reasonable opportunity for competition, the conditions to secure which shall be prescribed by the board of estimate and apportionment. RESPONSIBLE GUARANTY COMPANY MAY ACT AS SURETY Section 1557. Wherever this act provides for the giving of an official bond with surety or sureties, such surety or sureties may consist of a responsible guaranty company, provided the same shall be satisfactory to, and be approved by, the officer or officers, or body whose duty it is to approve such bond or sureties. * As amended by Chapter 515, Laws of 1905, and Chapter 356, Laws of 1908. TENURE OF OFFICE Section 1558. All officers elected or appointed under this act shall, unless otherwise expressly provided and unless sooner removed, hold their respective offices until their successors are respectively elected or appointed and have qualified. PENSIONERS NOT TO HOLD OFFICES, ETC. Section 1560. No person now receiving or who may hereafter receive any pension from The City of New York or any of the departments thereof, or out of any fund under said city or any of its departments, shall hold any office, employment or position under The City of New York or any of the counties included within said city. Any officer, subordinate or employe of said city or any of its departments or any of the counties included within said city now in receipt of any such pension shall forthwith forfeit such office, position or employment. ACTS APPLICABLE TO THE CITY OF NEW YORK Section 1610. All the provisions of all acts of the legislature of the state of New York, including said consolidation act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, of a general and permanent character, relating to the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York, in force at the time this act goes into effect, which are consistent with this act and its purposes, and which are not revised and included in or the subject matter thereof covered by this act, are hereby extended to The City of New York as herein constituted, so far as they are consistent with this act, and are not in their nature locally inapplicable to other portions of the city than the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York. And the provisions of law thus extended to The City of New York as herein constituted shall apply to said city throughout its whole extent, anything to the contrary notwithstanding contained in the charter of any of the municipal or public corporations or laws relating thereto, which are by this act united and consolidated with the corporation heretofore known as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York. APPERTAINING TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION CHAPTER 21, LAWS OF 1909, BEING CHAPTER 16 OF THE CONSOLI DATED LAWS, TAKING EFFECT FEBRUARY 17, 1909 ARTICLE 20 COMPULSORY EDUCATION Section 530. Required attendance upon instruction. 531. Duties of persons in parental relation to children. 532. Unlawful employment of children and penalty therefor. 533. Punishment for unlawful employment of children. 534. 535. School record and furnishing the same on application. Attendance officers. 536. Arrest of truants. 538. Section 530. Enforcement of law and withholding the state moneys by commissioner of education. Required attendance upon instruction. Every child between seven and sixteen years of age in proper physical and mental condition to attend school shail regularly attend upon instruction at a school in which at least the six common school branches of reading, spelling, writing, arithmetic, English language and geography are taught in English, or upon equivalent instruction by a competent teacher elsewhere than at a public school as follows: 1. Every such child between seven and fourteen years of age residing in a city or in a school district having a population of five thousand or more and employing a superintendent of schools shall so attend upon instruction the entire time during which the school attended is in session, which period shall not be less than one hundred and sixty days of actual school. 2. Every such child between fourteen and sixteen years of age, not regularly and lawfully engaged in any useful employment or service as hereinafter provided, and residing in a city or in a school district having a population of five thousand or more and employing a superintendent of schools and to whom an employment certificate has not been duly issued under the provisions of the labor law shall so attend upon instruction the entire time during which the school attended is in session. |