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mon council of such city within thirty days after the commencement of the fiscal year of such city a written itemized estimate of the expenditures necessary for the maintenance of its general industrial and trade schools and the estimated amount which the city will receive from the state school moneys applicable to the support of such schools. The common council shall give a public hearing to such persons as wish to be heard in reference thereto. The common council shall adopt such estimate and after deducting therefrom the amount of state moneys applicable to the support of such schools shall include the balance in the annual tax budget of such city. Such amount shall be levied, assessed and raised by tax upon the real and personal property liable to taxation in the city at the time and in the manner that other taxes for school purposes are raised. The common council shall have power by a two-thirds vote to reduce or reject any item included in such estimate.

2. The board of education in a union free school district which maintains a general industrial or trade school shall include in its estimate of anticipated expenses pursuant to the provisions of sections two hundred forty-two and two hundred and forty-seven of this chapter the amount that will be required to maintain such schools after applying toward the maintenance thereof the amount apportioned therefor by the commissioner of education. Such amount shall thereafter be levied, assessed and raised by tax upon the taxable property of the district at the time and in the manner that other taxes for school purposes are raised in such district.



Section 1000. School census in cities of the first class.

1001. School census in cities not of the first class.
1002. School census in school districts.

1003. Penalty for withholding information.
1004. Payment of expenses.

Section 1000. School census in cities of the first class. A permanent census board is hereby established in each city of the first class. Such board shall consist of the mayor, the superintendent of schools, the police commissioner or officer performing duties similar to those of a police commissioner. Such board shall have power to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article. Such board shall have power to appoint a secretary and such clerks and other employees as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article and to fix the salaries of the same. Such board shall ascertain through the police force, the residences and employments of all persons between the ages of four and eighteen years residing within such cities and shall report thereon from time to time to the school authorities of such cities. Under the regulations of such board during the month of October, nineteen hundred and nine, it shall be the duty of the police commissioners in the cities of the first class to cause a census of the children of their respective cities to be taken. Thereafter such census shall be amended from day to day by the police, precinct by precinct, as changes of residence occur among the children of such cities within the ages prescribed in this article and as other persons come within the ages prescribed herein and as other persons within such ages shall become residents of such cities, so that said board shall always have on file a complete census of the names and residences of the children between such ages and of the persons in parental relation thereto. If in the taking of the first census in any city of the first class during the month of October, nineteen hundred and nine, additional policemen shall be required, such additional policemen shall be appointed by the police commissioner of said city from the civil service lists of persons eligible for appointment as such policemen, and said additional policemen shall be allowed in addition to the number now allowed by law. It shall be the duty of persons in parental relation to any child residing within the limits of said cities of the first class to report at the police station house of the precinct within which they severally reside, the following information:

1. Two weeks before any child becomes of the compulsory school age, the name of such child, its residence, the name of the person or persons in parental relation thereto, and the name and location of the school to which such child is sent as a pupil.

2. In case a child of compulsory school age is for any cause removed from one school and sent to another school, or sent to work in accordance with the child labor law, all the facts in relation thereto.

3. In case the residence of a child is removed from one police precinct to another police precinct, the new residence and the other facts required in the two preceding subdivisions.

4. In case a child between the ages of four and eighteen becomes a resident of one of said cities of the first class for the first time the residence and such other facts as the census board shall require. Such census shall include all persons between the ages of four and eighteen years, the day of the month and the year of the birth of each of such persons, their respective residences by street and number, the names of their parents or guardians, such information relating to illiteracy and to the enforcement of the child labor and the compulsory education law as the school authorities of the mon council of such city within thirty days after the commencement of the fiscal year of such city a written itemized estimate of the expenditures necessary for the maintenance of its general industrial and trade schools and the estimated amount which the city will receive from the state school moneys applicable to the support of such schools. The common council shall give a public hearing to such persons as wish to be heard in reference thereto. The common council shall adopt such estimate and after deducting therefrom the amount of state moneys applicable to the support of such schools shall include the balance in the annual tax budget of such city. Such amount shall be levied, assessed and raised by tax upon the real and personal property liable to taxation in the city at the time and in the manner that other taxes for school purposes are raised. The common council shall have power by a two-thirds vote to reduce or reject any item included in such estimate.

2. The board of education in a union free school district which maintains a general industrial or trade school shall include in its estimate of anticipated expenses pursuant to the provisions of sections two hundred forty-two and two hundred and forty-seven of this chapter the amount that will be required to maintain such schools after applying toward the maintenance thereof the amount apportioned therefor by the commissioner of education. Such amount shall thereafter be levied, assessed and raised by tax upon the taxable property of the district at the time and in the manner that other taxes for school purposes are raised in such district.



Section 1000. School census in cities of the first class.

1001. School census in cities not of the first class.
1002. School census in school districts.

1003. Penalty for withholding information.
1004. Payment of expenses.

Section 1000. School census in cities of the first class. A permanent census board is hereby established in each city of the first class. Such board shall consist of the mayor, the superintendent of schools, the police commissioner or officer performing duties similar to those of a police commissioner. Such board shall have power to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article. Such board shall have power to appoint a secretary and such clerks and other employees as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article and to fix the salaries of the same. Such board shall ascertain through the police force, the residences and employments of all persons between the ages of four and eighteen years residing within such cities and shall report thereon from time to time to the school authorities of such cities. Under the regulations of such board during the month of October, nineteen hundred and nine, it shall be the duty of the police commissioners in the cities of the first class to cause a census of the children of their respective cities to be taken. Thereafter such census shall be amended from day to day by the police, precinct by precinct, as changes of residence occur among the children of such cities within the ages prescribed in this article and as other persons come within the ages prescribed herein and as other persons within such ages shall become residents of such cities, so that said board shall always have on file a complete census of the names and residences of the children between such ages and of the persons in parental relation thereto. If in the taking of the first census in any city of the first class during the month of October, nineteen hundred and nine, additional policemen shall be required, such additional policemen shall be appointed by the police commissioner of said city from the civil service lists of persons eligible for appointment as such policemen, and said additional policemen shall be allowed in addition to the number now allowed by law. It shall be the duty of persons in parental relation to any child residing within the limits of said cities of the first class to report at the police station house of the precinct within which they severally reside, the following information:

1. Two weeks before any child becomes of the compulsory school age, the name of such child, its residence, the name of the person or persons in parental relation thereto, and the name and location of the school to which such child is sent as a pupil.

2. In case a child of compulsory school age is for any cause removed from one school and sent to another school, or sent to work in accordance with the child labor law, all the facts in relation thereto.

3. In case the residence of a child is removed from one police precinct to another police precinct, the new residence and the other facts required in the two preceding subdivisions.

4. In case a child between the ages of four and eighteen becomes a resident of one of said cities of the first class for the first time the residence and such other facts as the census board shall require. Such census shall include all persons between the ages of four and eighteen years, the day of the month and the year of the birth of each of such persons, their respective residences by street and number, the names of their parents or guardians, such information relating to illiteracy and to the enforcement of the child labor and the compulsory education law as the school authorities of the state and of such cities shall require and also such further information as such authorities shall require.

Section 1001. School census in cities not of the first class. - A permanent census board may be established in any city not of the first class, in accordance with the provisions of this article. If a census board shall not be established in such cities, then, during the month of October, nineteen hundred and nine, and in the month of October every fourth year thereafter, the school authorities of every city, not a city of the first class, shall take a census of the children of their respective cities. Such census shall include the information required from the cities of the first class as provided in section one thousand of this chapter.

Section 1002. School census in school districts. - The board of trustees of every school district shall annually on the thirtieth day of August cause a census of all children between the ages of five and eighteen years to be taken in their respective school districts. Such census shall include the information required from cities as provided in this article.

Section 1003. Penalty for withholding information. A parent, guardian or other person having under his control or charge a child between the ages of four and eighteen years who withholds or refuses to give information in his possession relating to such child and required under this article, or any such parent, guardian or other person who gives false information in relation thereto, shall be liable to and punished by fine not exceeding twenty dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days.

Section 1004. Payment of expenses. -The money required for the purpose of carrying this article into effect shall be paid by the cities and school districts respectively, included in the provisions of this article, but, in cities in which a permanent census board as provided under section one thousand of this chapter is not established and maintained, and in school districts, such moneys shall be paid for the services rendered in the taking of the school census on the certificate of the state commissioner of education that such census has been satisfactorily taken.

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