and placed on file in his office satisfactory proof that such male child is of the age of ten years or upwards, and shall also have received, examined and placed on file the written statement of the principal or chief executive officer of the school which the child is attending, stating that such child is an attendant at such school, that he is of the normal development of a child of his age and physically fit for such employment, and that said principal or chief executive officer approves the granting of a permit and badge to such child. No such permit or badge shall be valid for any purpose except during the period in which such proof and written statement shall remain on file, nor shall such permit or badge be authority beyond the period fixed therein for its duration. After having received, examined and placed on file such papers the officer shall issue to the child a permit and badge. Principals or chief executive officers of schools in which children under fourteen years are pupils shall keep complete lists of all children in their schools to whom a permit and badge as herein provided have been granted. Section 222. Contents of permit and badge. Such permit shall state the date and place of birth of the child, the name and address of its parent, guardian, custodian or next friend, as the case may be, and describe the color of hair and eyes, the height and weight and any distinguishing facial mark of such child, and shall further state that the papers required by the preceding section have been duly examined and filed; and that the child named in such permit has appeared before the officer issuing the permit. The badge furnished by the officer issuing the permit shall bear on its face a number corresponding to the number of the permit, and the name of the child. Every such permit, and every such badge on its reverse side, shall be signed in the presence of the officer issuing the same by the child in whose name it is issued. Section 223. Regulations concerning badge and permit.--The badge provided for herein shall be worn conspicuously at all times by such child while so working; and all such permits and badges shall expire annually on the first day of January. The color of the badge shall be changed each year. No child to whom such permit and badge are issued shall transfer the same to any other person nor be engaged in any city of the first or second class as a newsboy, or shall sell or expose or offer for sale newspapers, magazines or periodicals in any street or public place without having conspicuously upon his person such badge, and he shall exhibit the same upon demand at any time to any police, or attendance officer. Section 224. Limit of hours. No child to whom a permit and badge are issued as provided for in the preceding sections shall sell or expose evidence of age of such child as is required on the issuance of an employment certificate; and the employer furnishing such evidence shall not be required to furnish any further evidence of the age of the child. A notice embodying such demand may be served on such employer personally or may be sent by mail addressed to him at said establishment, and if served by post shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of the post. When the employer is a corporation such notice may be served either personally upon an officer of such corporation, or by sending it by post addressed to the office or the principal place of business of such corporation. The papers constituting such evidence of age furnished by the employer in response to such demand shall, except in cities of the first class, be filed with the board, department or commissioner of health, and in cities of the first class with the commissioner of labor, and a material false statement made in any such paper or affidavit by any person shall be a misdemeanor. In case such employer shall fail to produce and deliver to the officer of the board, department or commissioner of health, or in cities of the first class to the commissioner of labor, within ten days after such demand such evidence of age herein required by him, and shall thereafter continue to employ such child or permit or suffer such child to work in such mercantile or other establishment, proof of the giving of such notice and of such failure to produce and file such evidence shall be prima facie evidence in any prosecution brought for a violation of this article that such child is under sixteen years of age and is unlawfully employed. 3. EMPLOYMENT IN STREET TRADES Section 220. Prohibited employment of children in street trades. No male child under ten, and no girl under sixteen years of age, shall in any city of the first or second class sell or expose or offer for sale newspapers, magazines or periodicals in any street or public place. Section 221. Permit and badge for newsboys, how issued.--No male child under fourteen years of age shall sell or expose or offer for sale said articles unless a permit and badge as hereinafter provided shall have been issued to him by the district superintendent of the board of education of the city and school district where said child resides, or by such other officer thereof as may be officially designated by such board for that purpose, on the application of the parent, guardian or other person having the custody of the child desiring such permit and badge, or in case said child has no parent, guardian or custodian then on the application of his next friend, being an adult. Such permit and badge shall not be issued until the officer issuing the same shall have received, examined, approved and placed on file in his office satisfactory proof that such male child is of the age of ten years or upwards, and shall also have received, examined and placed on file the written statement of the principal or chief executive officer of the school which the child is attending, stating that such child is an attendant at such school, that he is of the normal development of a child of his age and physically fit for such employment, and that said principal or chief executive officer approves the granting of a permit and badge to such child. No such permit or badge shall be valid for any purpose except during the period in which such proof and written statement shall remain on file, nor shall such permit or badge be authority beyond the period fixed therein for its duration. After having received, examined and placed on file such papers the officer shall issue to the child a permit and badge. Principals or chief executive officers of schools in which children under fourteen years are pupils shall keep complete lists of all children in their schools to whom a permit and badge as herein provided have been granted. Section 222. Contents of permit and badge. Such permit shall state the date and place of birth of the child, the name and address of its parent, guardian, custodian or next friend, as the case may be, and describe the color of hair and eyes, the height and weight and any distinguishing facial mark of such child, and shall further state that the papers required by the preceding section have been duly examined and filed; and that the child named in such permit has appeared before the officer issuing the permit. The badge furnished by the officer issuing the permit shall bear on its face a number corresponding to the number of the permit, and the name of the child. Every such permit, and every such badge on its reverse side, shall be signed in the presence of the officer issuing the same by the child in whose name it is issued. Section 223. Regulations concerning badge and permit.--The badge provided for herein shall be worn conspicuously at all times by such child while so working; and all such permits and badges shall expire annually on the first day of January. The color of the badge shall be changed each year. No child to whom such permit and badge are issued shall transfer the same to any other person nor be engaged in any city of the first or second class as a newsboy, or shall sell or expose or offer for sale newspapers, magazines or periodicals in any street or public place without having conspicuously upon his person such badge, and he shall exhibit the same upon demand at any time to any police, or attendance officer. Section 224. Limit of hours. No child to whom a permit and badge are issued as provided for in the preceding sections shall sell or expose or offer for sale any newspapers, magazines or periodicals after ten o'clock in the evening, or before six o'clock in the morning. Section 225. Enforcement of article. - In cities of the first or second class, police officers, and the regular attendance officers appointed by the board of education who are hereby vested with the powers of peace officers for the purpose, shall enforce the provisions of this article. Section 226. Violation of this article, how punished.-Any child who shall work in any city of the first or second class in any street or public place as a newsboy or who shall sell or expose or offer for sale newspapers, magazines or periodicals in violation of the provisions of this article, shall be arrested and brought before a court or magistrate having jurisdiction to commit a child to an incorporated charitable reformatory or other institution and be dealt with according to law; and if any such child is committed to an institution, it shall when practicable, be committed to an institution governed by persons of the same religious faith as the parents of such child. The permit and badge of any child who violates the provisions of this article may be revoked by the officer issuing the same, upon the recommendation of the principal or chief executive officer of the school which such child is attending, or upon the complaint of any police officer or attendance officer, and such child shall surrender the permit and badge so revoked upon the demand of any attendance officer or police officer charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this article. The refusal of any child to surrender such permit and badge, upon such demand, or the sale or offering for sale of newspapers, magazines or periodicals in any street or public place by any child after notice of the revocation of such permit and badge shall be deemed a violation of this article and shall subject the child to the penalties provided for in this section. PUBLIC HEALTH LAW CHAPTER 49, LAWS OF 1909, BEING CHAPTER 45 OF THE CONSOLIDATED LAWS Section 310. Vaccination of school children. -No child or person not vaccinated shall be admitted or received into any of the public schools of the state, and the trustees or other officers having the charge, management or control of such schools shall cause this provision of law to be enforced. They may adopt a resolution excluding such children and persons not vaccinated from such school until vaccinated, and when any such resolution has been adopted, they shall give at least ten days' notice thereof, by posting copies of the same in at least two public and conspicuous places within the limits of the school government, and shall announce therein that due provision has been made, specifying it, for the vaccination of any child or person of suitable age desiring to attend the school, and whose parents or guardians are unable to procure vaccination for them, or who are, by reason of poverty, exempted from taxation in such district. Section 311. Such trustees or board may appoint a competent physician and fix his compensation, who shall ascertain the number of children or persons in a school district, or in a subdivision of a city school government, of suitable age to attend the common schools, who have not been vaccinated and furnish such trustees or board a list of their names. Every such physician shall provide himself with good and reliable vaccine virus with which to vaccinate such children or persons as such trustees or board shall direct, and give certificates of vaccination when required, which shall be evidence that the child or person to whom given has been vaccinated. The expenses incurred in carrying into effect the provisions of this and the preceding section, shall be deemed a part of the expense of maintaining such school, and shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other school expenses. The trustees of the several school districts of the state shall include in their annual report the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated children of school age in their respective districts. |