institution of learning of equal or higher rank, approved by the same authority, and who, subsequently to such graduation, has not graduated from a school or class for the professional training of teachers, having a course of study of not less than thirty-eight weeks, approved by the state superintendent of public instruction. Nothing in this act shall be construed to restrict any board of education of any city from requiring such additional qualifications of teachers as said board may determine; nor shall the provisions of this act preclude the board of education of any city or village from accepting the diploma of any state normal and training school of the state of New York, or a state certificate obtained on examination, as an equivalent for the preparation in scholarship and professional training herein required. Section 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Section 6. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 417, LAWS OF 1899 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT OF THE LAWS OF EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVEN, ENTITLED "AN ACT TO UNITE INTO ONE MUNICIPALITY, UNDER THE CORPORATE NAME OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, THE VARIOUS COMMUNITIES LYING IN AND ABOUT NEW YORK HARBOR, THE CITY OF BROOKLYN AND THE COUNTY OF KINGS, THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND AND PART OF THE COUNTY OF QUEENS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE GOVERNMENT THEREOF," RELATIVE TO THE SALARIES OF TEACHERS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ACCEPTED BY THE CITY. Became a law April 25, 1899, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Section ten hundred and ninety-one of chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1091. Each school board shall have power to adopt by-laws fixing the salaries of the borough and associate superintendents, of principals and branch principals, and of all other members of the supervising and teaching staff, and such salaries shall be regulated by merit, by the grade of class taught, by the length of service, or by the experience in teaching of the incumbent in charge, or by such a combination of these considerations as the school board may deem proper. Said salaries need not be uniform throughout all the several boroughs, nor in any two of them, nor throughout any one borough. The salaries fixed and established and duly payable in the different schools of the territory hereby consolidated as these salaries were on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be and remain the salaries in the schools of the several boroughs hereby constituted, until the same shall be changed or modified as provided for in this section. No regular teacher in the public schools of any of the boroughs shall be paid a sum less than six hundred dollars per annum. No teacher shall, after ten years of service in the public schools of said boroughs, receive less than nine hundred dollars per annum; nor shall any teacher after fifteen years of service in said schools receive less than twelve hundred dollars per annum; and no vice-principal, head of department, or first institution of learning of equal or higher rank, approved by the same authority, and who, subsequently to such graduation, has not graduated from a school or class for the professional training of teachers, having a course of study of not less than thirty-eight weeks, approved by the state superintendent of public instruction. Nothing in this act shall be construed to restrict any board of education of any city from requiring such additional qualifications of teachers as said board may determine; nor shall the provisions of this act preclude the board of education of any city or village from accepting the diploma of any state normal and training school of the state of New York, or a state certificate obtained on examination, as an equivalent for the preparation in scholarship and professional training herein required. Section 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Section 6. This act shall take effect immediately. 132 CHAPTER 417, LAWS OF 1899 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT OF THE LAWS OF EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVEN, ENTITLED "AN ACT TO UNITE INTO ONE MUNICIPALITY, UNDER THE CORPORATE NAME OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, THE VARIOUS COMMUNITIES LYING IN AND ABOUT NEW YORK HARBOR, THE CITY OF BROOKLYN AND THE COUNTY OF KINGS, THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND AND PART OF THE COUNTY OF QUEENS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE GOVERNMENT THEREOF," RELATIVE TO THE SALARIES OF TEACHERS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ACCEPTED BY THE CITY. Became a law April 25, 1899, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Section ten hundred and ninety-one of chapter three frundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1091. Each school board shall have power to adopt by-laws fixing the salaries of the borough and associate superintendents, of principals and branch principals, and of all other members of the supervising and teaching staff, and such salaries shall be regulated by merit, by the grade of class taught, by the length of service, or by the experience in teaching of the incumbent in charge, or by such a combination of these considerations as the school board may deem proper. Said salaries need not be uniform throughout all the several boroughs, nor in any two of them, nor throughout any one borough. The salaries fixed and established and duly payable in the different schools of the territory hereby consolidated as these salaries were on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be and remain the salaries in the schools of the several boroughs hereby constituted, until the same shall be changed or modified as provided for in this section. No regular teacher in the public schools of any of the boroughs shall be paid a sum less than six hundred dollars per annum. No teacher shall, after ten years of service in the public schools of said boroughs, receive less than nine hundred dollars per annum; nor shall any teacher after fifteen years of service in said schools receive less than twelve hundred dollars per annum; and no vice-principal, head of department, or first lars per annum; and no male teacher after twelve years of service in said schools shall receive less than two thousand and one hundred and sixty dollars per annum; provided, however, that the service of such teacher, vice-principal, head of department, or first assistant shall have been approved after inspection and investigation as fit and meritorious by a majority of the borough board of school superintendents. For all purposes affecting the increase of salaries of teachers in any school the principal of such school shall have a seat in the borough board of superintendents, with a vote on all increases of salaries of teachers in said school, the salaries of the women principals in said schools shall be increased by the addition of two hundred and fifty dollars in each year until they shall receive the sum of two thousand and five hundred dollars per annum; and the salaries of the male principals in said schools shall be increased by the addition of two hundred and fifty dollars in each year until they shall receive the sum of three thousand and five hundred dollars per annum; and no male principal after ten years of service as principal in said schools, shall receive less than three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; and no woman principal of ten years' service as principal in said schools shall receive less than twenty-five hundred dollars per annum; provided, however, that the service of such principal shall have been approved after inspection and investigation as fit and meritorious by the borough board of superintendents; but these provisions shall not apply to principals of schools of less than twelve classes. No salary now paid to any public school teacher in The City of New York shall be reduced by the operation of this act. |