janitors, with the provisions of the law relating to the civil service, that are applicable to The City of New York. Section 4. Provision for the maintenance of said school and the payment of salaries shall be made by the board of estimate and apportionment in the budget for nineteen hundred and six. Section 5. All acts or portions of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 285, LAWS OF 1891, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 103, LAWS OF 1894, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 717, LAWS OF 1896 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BOTANIC GARDEN AND MUSEUM AND ARBORETUM, IN BRONX PARK, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, AND TO INCORPORATE THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN FOR CARRYING ON THE SAME The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 4. The affairs of said corporation shall be managed and controlled by a board of managers as follows: The president of Columbia College, the professors of botany, of geology, and of chemistry therein, the president of the Torrey botanical club, and the president of the board of education of The City of New York, and their successors in office, shall be ex-officio members of said corporation and of the board of managers, and be known as the scientific directors; they shall have the management and control of the scientific and educational departments of said corporation and the appointment of the director-in-chief of said institution, who shall appoint his first assistant and the chief gardener, and be responsible for the general scientific conduct of the institution. All other business and affairs of the corporation, including its financial management, shall be under control of the whole board of managers, which shall consist of the scientific directors, as herein provided, and of the mayor of The City of New York, the president of the board of commissioners of the department of public parks, and at least nine other rianagers to be elected by the members of the corporation. The first election shall be by ballot, and held on a written notice of ten days, addressed by mail to each of the above-named incorporators, stating the time and place of election, and signed by at least five incorporators. Three of the managers so elected shall hold office for one year, three for two years, and three for three years. The term of office of the managers elected after the first election, save those elected to fill vacancies in unexpired terms, shall be three years; and three managers and such others as may be needed to fill vacancies in unexpired terms, shall be elected annually, pursuant to the by-laws of the corporation. The number of elective managers may be increased by vote of the corporation, whose term and election shall be as above provided; and members may from time to time be added to the scientific directors, by a the whole board of managers. The board of managers shall elect from their number a president, secretary and treasurer, none of whom or of the board of managers save the secretary and treasurer, shall receive any compensation for his services. Nine corporators shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the incorporators but a less number may adjourn. Section 4. The trustees, for the time being, of said corporation shall have the sole and exclusive custody and control of the persons of such orphans, half-orphans or indigent children of the age not exceeding thirteen years, as they may agree to maintain, provide for, educate, and instruct during the minority of such orphans, half-orphans and indigent children, provided, that in respect to any orphan, its legal guardian or nearest relative, or one of the governors of the almshouse, and in respect to any half-orphans or indigent children, the parents or surviving parent, or legal guardian, shall consent, in writing, to such child being maintained, provided for, educated and instructed by said society, or that such half-orphan or indigent child shall be committed to the care and custody of said society by any court, magistrate, or police justice of The City of New York, in any case where such court, magistrate, or police justice shall acquire jurisdiction under any law of this state; and in such case such court, magistrate, or police justice shall have the like power and authority, with the consent of said trustees, to commit to the care and custody of said corporation as can now be exercised in regard to any other public institution; and the said corporation can, by agreement and transfer from every other institution having the legal custody of any orphan, half-orphan, or indigent children, obtain the care and custody of such child or children in like manner as by such aforesaid consent or commitment, and the said trustees shall have the power and authority, on the arrival of any such orphan, half-orphan or indigent child at the age of thirteen years and upwards, to bind them out to be taught and instructed in some necessary or useful employment, on such terms and restrictions, and to such persons, and upon such conditions as the said trustees may deem proper; and the said corporation is hereby vested, in respect to the persons of all such orphans, half-orphans, and indigent children, with all the powers and authority conferred upon, and shall enjoy the same benefits, and receive for the care, education and maintenance of said orphans, half-orphans, and indigent children the like compensation now paid, and in the same manner as authorized by law, to the New York Juvenile Asylum by the acts passed June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, passed July eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, passed April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and passed March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, so far as they are applicable to this section. the whole board of managers. The board of managers shall elect from their number a president, secretary and treasurer, none of whom or of the board of managers save the secretary and treasurer, shall receive any compensation for his services. Nine corporators shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the incorporators but a less number may adjourn. |