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[blocks in formation]

Commissioner of Correction to certify to Comptroller deductions from
teachers' salaries..

1092 32

Commissioner of Public Charities to certify to Comptroller deduc-
tions from teachers' salaries.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Payment to contractors.

Relative to leases..

To hold and invest moneys belonging to Retirement Fund...... 1092

Compulsory Education-


Law to be enforced by City Superintendent of Schools........ 1078
Truant schools may be established by Board of Education..... 1069 12

[blocks in formation]

Corporation, Board of Education to possess the powers and privi-

[blocks in formation]

Correction, Commissioner of, to certify to Comptroller deductions
from teachers' salaries...

[blocks in formation]

Teachers for, to be nominated by City Superintendent......

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Section Page

Buildings, plans to be approved by Superintendent of School Buildings 1073


[blocks in formation]

Chamber of Commerce to appoint council for Nautical School.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Superintendent of School Buildings to take oath before.
Superintendent of School Supplies to take oath before....

City Record-

Advertising in, etc......

Certain matters to be printed......

Notice of appointments, etc., to be published in.

City Superintendent of Schools-

Annual report to be made by..........

An officer of Board of Education...

[blocks in formation]

Associate City Superintendents to be assigned by.

1078 15

Attendance officers to be nominated by and subject to......

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Public Charities and Department of Correction......
To recognize licenses granted by Superintendent of Public In-
struction, Brooklyn, prior to February 1, 1898....

Visitation of schools..

......1077, 1097 15,38

City Superintendents, Associate (see Associate City Superintendents).
Civil Service Law.

College of the City of New York-

Annual report

Board of Trustees, how constituted..
Continued as a separate organization.

Education furnished gratuitously..

Estimates for maintenance of...

Laws in relation to Free Academy applicable to.....

Participation in State Literature and other funds...

124 59

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Commissioner of Correction to certify to Comptroller deductions from
teachers' salaries..

Commissioner of Public Charities to certify to Comptroller deduc-
tions from teachers' salaries.

Comptroller, duties of....

Payment to contractors.

Relative to leases..

To hold and invest moneys belonging to Retirement Fund...... 1092
Compulsory Education-


Law to be enforced by City Superintendent of Schools........ 1078
Truant schools may be established by Board of Education..... 1069 12

[blocks in formation]

Corporate stock, issue of..........
Corporation, Board of Education to possess the powers and privi-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Correction, Commissioner of, to certify to Comptroller deductions
from teachers' salaries..

[blocks in formation]

Teachers for, to be nominated by City Superintendent........ 1092

Department of Education.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

English language, special classes in, may be established by Board of

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Evening schools may be established by Board of Education.

[blocks in formation]

Examinations for teachers, Board of Examiners to hold.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

President of the Board to be Chairman ex officio..
Reports of Committees of the Board to be presented to........ 1063




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High schools may be provided by Board of Education.

1069 12

[blocks in formation]

Lands (public), sale of at auction.
Leases, application for, period of, etc...
Leases for school accommodations to be prepared and executed by

[blocks in formation]

the Board of Education...




Lectures, free, may be maintained by Board of Education........ 1069


Licenses, teachers'-

Granted by Superintendent of Public Instruction, Brooklyn, prior

Section Page

[blocks in formation]

Laws relating to the sanitary condition of schools to be enforced 1088
Meeting places to be provided by Board of Education.




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Manual training schools, Board of Education may establish.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mills, three, on assessed valuation to be appropriated for General
School Fund...

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Participation in State Literature and other funds.

Superintendent of School Buildings may perform work for....
Teachers' retirement

[blocks in formation]

1158 52





1140 46







1145 49



1141 47

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