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" To keep it in her power to damn and save. Scripture was scarce, and as the market went, Poor laymen took salvation on content, As needy men take money, good or bad ; God's word they had not, but the priest's they had. "
The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical - Page 74
publié par - 1795
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq ..., Volume 2

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 432 pages
...Mother-Church cfid mightily prevail : She parcel'd out the Bible by retail : But ftill expounded what flie fold or gave ; To keep it in her Power to damn and...was fcarce, and as the Market went, Poor Laymen took Salvation on Content ; As needy Men take Money, good or bad : God's 'Word they had not, but the Prieft's...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq, Volume 2

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 426 pages
...Mother-Church did mightily prevail : She parcel'd out the Bible by retail : But ftill expounded what me fold or gave ; To keep it in her Power to damn and fave : Scripture was fcarce, and1 as the Market went, Poor Laymen took Salvation on Content ; As needy Men take Money, good or bad...
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The Miscellaneous Works: Containing All His Original Poems, Tales ..., Volume 1

John Dryden - 1760 - 448 pages did mightily prevail : She parcell'd out the Bible by retail : But ftill expounded what {he fold or gave ; To keep it in her power to damn good or bad : God's word they had not, but the prieft's they had Yet whate'er falfe conveyances they made, The lawyer ftill was certain to be paid....
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The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1767 - 320 pages
...mightily prevail : She parceled out the Bible by retail : But ftill expounded what fhe fold or gave 1 To keep it in her power to damn and fave : good or bad : God's word they had not, but the prieft's they had. Yet whate'er falfc conveyances they iriade, The lawyer ilill was certain to be paid....
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Original Poems, Volume 1

John Dryden - 1773 - 268 pages
...damn and fave : Seripture insfearee, and, as the market went, Poor laymen look falvation on eontent ; As needy men take money, good or bad : God's word they had not, but the prieji's they had. Yet, whate'er falfe eonveyanees they made, The lawyer ftiil was eertain to be paid....
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The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 336 pages
...mother church did mightily prevail : Sbe parcel'd out the Bible by retail : But ftill expounded what fhe fold or gave ; To keep it in her power to damn good or bad : God's word they had not, but the prieft's they had. Yet whate'er falfe conveyances they made, The lawyer ftill was certain to be paid....
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical ..., Volumes 13 à 14

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 672 pages
...fhe fold or gave ; To keep it in her power to damn and fave: Scripture was fcarce, and, as the morket went, Poor laymen took falvation on content; As good or bad : God's word they had not, but the prieft's they had. Yet whate'er falfe conveyances they made, The lawyer ftill was certain to he paid....
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The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 338 pages
...or gave ; To keep it in her power to damn and lave : Scripture was fcarce, and, as the market west, Poor laymen took falvation on content; As needy good or bad : God's word they had not, but the prieft's they had. Yet whate'er falfe conveyances they made, The lawyer ftill was certain to be paid....
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The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 350 pages
...mother church did mightily prevail : She parcel'd out the Bible by retail : But ftill expounded what fhc fold or gave ; To keep it in her -power to damn and fave : Scripture was fcarce, and, as the mnrkct went, Poor laymen took falvation on content; As needy men take money good or bad : God's word...
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The Works of the English Poets

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 340 pages did mightily prevail i She parcel'd out the Bible by retail •i But ftill expounded what me fold or gave ; To keep It in her power to damn and i'ave i Scripture was fcarce, and, as the market went, Poor laymen took falvation on content ; As needy...
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