| John Dryden - 1716 - 416 pages
...Spurr'd boldly on, and dafli'd thro' Thick and Thin, Through Senfe and Non-fenfe, never out nor in ; Vree from all Meaning, whether Good or Bad, And in one Word, Heroically Mad : He^ttas-tOT warm on Picking-work to dwell, >.. But Faggotred his Norions as they fell, > And if they... | |
 | Nathan Bailey - 1756 - 730 pages
...HE HEROICAL, befitting inhere; herojck. HEROICALLY, after the way of an hero; fuitably to an hero. Free from all meaning whether good or bad ; And, in one word, bcnically mad. Dryacn. HEROICK (tenijut, Fr.) I. productive of heroes: 2. noble, fuitable to an hero,... | |
 | John Dryden - 1760 - 448 pages
...blund'ring kind of melody ; Spurr'd boldly on, and dafh'd thro thick and thin, Through fenfe and nonfenfe, never out nor in ; Free from all meaning, whether...heroically mad : He was too warm on picking-work to dwell, But fagotted his notions as they fell, And if they rhim'd and rattl'd, all was well, Spiteful he is... | |
 | John Dryden - 1767 - 320 pages
...blund'ring kind of melody; Spurr'd boldly on, and dafh'd thro' thick and thin, Through fenfe and nonfenfe, never out nor in ; Free from all meaning, whether...: He was too warm on picking-work to dwell, T But fagotted his notions as they fell, > And if they rhim'd and rattled, all was well, J Spiteful he is... | |
 | John Dryden - 1773 - 268 pages
...blundering kind of melody; Spurr'd boldly on, and dafh'd through thick and thin; Through fenfe and nonfenfe, never out nor in ; Free from all meaning, whether...heroically mad : He was too warm on picking-work to dwell, But faggoted his notions as they fell, And if they rhim'd and rattled, all was well. Spiteful he is... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 672 pages
...blundering kind of melody ; Spurr'd boldly on, and dam'd through thick and thin, Through fenfc and nonfenfe, never out nor in ; Free from all meaning, whether...heroically mad : He was too warm on picking-work to dwell, But fagotted his notions as they fell, And if they rhym'd and rattled, all was well, Spiteful he is... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 338 pages
...kind of melody ; Spurr'd boldly on, and dafh'd through thick and thin, Through fenfe and nonfenfe, never out nor in ; Free from all meaning, whether good or bad, And in one word, heroically mad : He He was too warm on picking-work to dwell, ^ But fagotted his notions as they fell, > And if they rhym'd... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 360 pages
...kind of melody ; Spurr'd boldly on, and dafh'd through thick and thin. Through fenfe and nonfenfe, never out nor in ; Free from all meaning, whether good or bad, And in one word, heroically mad i He was too warm on picking-work to dwell, But fagotted his notions as they fell, And if they rhym'd... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 pages
...; ipurrM boldly on, and daih'd thro' thick and thin, riiro' fenfe and nonfenlc, never out nor in j free from all meaning, whether good or bad, And in...heroically mad : He was too warm on picking-work to dwell, ~\ But fagottcd his notions as they fell, > And if they rhym'd and rattl'd, all was well; J Spiteful... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 pages
...blundering kind of melody ; Spurr'd boldly on, and dalh'd thro' thick and thin, Thro' fenfc and nonfcnfe, blii's is pad ! My budding joys, juft promifing to blow, All nipt and wither'd by one envious : ,Hc was too warm on picking-work to dwell, ~\ But fagotted his notions as they fell, I And, if they... | |
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