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" What has the world ever given to me ? (And I have known all that the world has to give — all ! ) Nothing but shadows, leaving a wound on the heart hard to heal — a dark discontent. "
Sunny Days Abroad; Or, The Old World Seen with Young Eyes - Page 121
de Cornelia Catherine Joy Dyer - 1873 - 255 pages
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The Story of a Penitent: Lola Montez ...

1867 - 52 pages
...feel as a little child. What is my worldly knowledge in Thy sight — an impediment to get to Thee. What has the world ever given to me ? (And I have...see onward and upward a haven of rest to the soul. I used once to think, like many others, that heaven was a place somewhere beyond the clouds ; and that...
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Lola Montez: A Life

Bruce Seymour - 1996 - 498 pages
...natures as my own! . . . What is my worldly knowledge in Thy sight — an impediment to get to Thee. What has the world ever given to me? (And I have known...wound on the heart hard to heal — a dark discontent. . . . I am afraid, sometimes, that I think too well of myself. But let me only look back to the past....
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Lola Montez: A Life

Bruce Seymour - 1996 - 504 pages
...such natures as my own!... What is my worldly knowledge in Thy sight— an impediment to get to Thee. What has the world ever given to me? (And I have known all that the world has to give—ALL!) Nothing but shadows, leaving a wound on the heart hard to heal—a dark discontent I am...
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