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Livres Livres
" He was," says a French author, " one of our greatest poets ; the most brilliant, the most elegant, the most fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the literature of any country, either in verse or in prose, an author who has written on so many... "
Sunny Days Abroad; Or, The Old World Seen with Young Eyes - Page 149
de Cornelia Catherine Joy Dyer - 1873 - 255 pages
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A dictionary of biography

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1831 - 594 pages
...poet?; the most brilliant, the most elegant, the moit ertile, of our prose writers. There is not, n the literature of any country, either in verse or in prose, an author who hat written on so many opposite kinds of subjects, and has -•«> constantly displayed a superiority...
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A Dictionary of Biography: Comprising the Most Eminent Characters of All ...

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1832 - 548 pages
...of our greatest poets; the most brilliant, the meet elegant, the most fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the literature of any country» verse or in prose, an author who has written on writers, was I) ч и, February 20, 1694, at so many opposite kinds of subject», and Chatenay, near...
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A Dictionary of Biography: Comprising the Most Eminent Characters of All ...

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1832 - 546 pages
...of our greatest poets; the most brilliant, the most elegant, the most fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the literature of any country, either in verse or in prose, an author wlio has written on so many opposite kinds of subjects, and lias so constantly displayed a superiority...
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The Works of William Cowper: Table talk. The task. Tirocinium; or, A review ...

William Cowper - 1835 - 620 pages
...modern times. " There is not," observes La Harpe, " in the literature of any country, cither in verse or prose, an author who has written on so many opposite...subjects, and has so constantly displayed a superiority in all of them." This is true ; but, unfortunately, the strictures of our ]text are also true, and Voltaire...
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A Dictionary of Biography: Comprising the Most Eminent Characters of All ...

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1839 - 538 pages
...our greatest poets ; the most brilliant, the most elegant, the most fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the literature of any country, either...subjects, and has so constantly displayed a superiority in all of them." VONDEL, JUSTUS VAHDEH, a Dutch poet, was born, in 1587, at Cologne, but his parents settled...
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A Dictionary of Biography: Comprising the Most Eminent Characters of All ...

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1839 - 536 pages
...brilliant, the most elegant, the most fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the iterature of any country, either in verse or in prose, an author...written on so many opposite kinds of subjects, and las so constantly displayed a superiority 'n all of them." VONDEL, JUSTUS VAHDEI», a Dutch >pet, was...
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A Dictionary of Biography: Comprising the Most Eminent Characters of All ...

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1846 - 540 pages
...fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the iterature of any country, either in verse or in prow, an author who has written on so many opposite kinds of subjects, and las so constantly displayed a superiority n all of them." VONDEL, JUSTUS VANDEH, a Dutch loet, was...
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Travels in Peru: During the Years 1838-1842, on the Coast, in the ..., Volume 1

Johann Jakob von Tschudi - 1847 - 742 pages
...of our greatest poets; the most brilliant, the most elegant, the most fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the literature of any country, either...subjects, and has so constantly displayed a superiority in all of them." It has been said that Voltaire is a superficial writer, but this assertion is not borne...
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The Universal Biographical Dictionary: Embracing the Most Eminent Characters ...

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1849 - 546 pages
...of our greatest poets; the most brilliant, the most elegant, the most fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the literature of any country, either in verse or in prose, an author who hae written on so many opposite kinds' of subjects, and lias so constantly displayed a superiority...
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Popular Biography

Samuel Griswold Goodrich - 1854 - 542 pages
...our greatest poets ; the most brilliant, the most elegant, the most fertile, of our prose writers. There is not, in the literature of any country, either...subjects, and has so constantly displayed a superiority in all of them.'* VO.NDEL, JUSTUS VANDEN, a Dutch poet, was born, in 1587, at Cologne, but his parents...
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