But such as, at this day, to Indians known; In Malabar or Decan spreads her arms, Branching so broad and long, that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade, High overarch'd, and echoing walks... Paradise Lost: In Twelve Parts - Page 176de John Milton - 1849 - 582 pagesAffichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | John Milton - 1795 - 282 pages
...Into the thickest wood; there soon they chose 1109 The fig-tree, not that kind for fruit renown' d, But such as at this day to Indians known In Malabar...that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daflghters grow About the mother tree, a pillar" d shade High overarch'd, and echoing walks between;... | |
 | John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - 608 pages
...went Into the thickest wood ; there soon they chose The fig-tree ; not that kind for fruit renown'd, But such as at this day, to Indians known In Malabar...bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother-tree, a pillar'd shade 1 106 High o'er-arch'd, and echoing walks between. There oft the Indian... | |
 | John Milton - 1801 - 394 pages
...for fiuit renown'd, But such as at this day to Indians known In Malabar or Decan spreads her arras Branching so broad and long, that in the ground The...daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade II" High overarch'd, and echoing walks between ; There oft the Indian herdsman shunning heat Shelters... | |
 | James Johnson - 1807 - 430 pages
...in the followin lines : -" There soon they chose The fig-tree, not that kind for fruit renown'd, . But such as at this day to Indians known, In Malabar,...daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade High over-arch'd, and echoing walks between ; There oft the Indian herdsman, shunning heat, Shelters... | |
 | James Cordiner - 1807 - 510 pages
...went Into the thickest wood, there soon they chose The fig-tree, not that kind for fruit renown'd, But such as at this day to Indians known In Malabar...bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother-tree, a pillar'd shade High overarch'd, and echoing walks between ; There oft the Indian herdsman... | |
 | John Milton - 1807 - 514 pages
...The fig-tree, not that kind for fruit renown'd, But such as at this day to Indians known In Malahar or Decan, spreads her arms Branching so broad and...daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade High overarch'd, and echoing walks between : There- oft the Indian herdsman shunning heat 5helters... | |
 | 1808 - 744 pages
...went Into the thickest wood ; there soon they chose The Fig-tree, not that kind for fruit renown'd, But such as at this day, to Indians known, In Malabar...daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade High over arch'd, and echoing walks between ; There oft the Indian herdsman shunning heat, Shelters... | |
 | William Hayley - 1810 - 484 pages
...went Into the thickest wood; there soon they c Lose The fig-tree; not that kind for fruit renown'd, But such as at this day, to Indians known, In Malabar...daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade High over-arch'd, and echoing walks between: There oft the Indian herdsman, shunning heat, Shelters... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 560 pages
...Into the thickest wood ; there soon they rhose The fig-tree ; iwt that kind for fruit renown'd, "Rut such as at this day, to Indians known, In Malabar...daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade High over-arch'd,and echoing walks between : There oft the Indian herdsman, shunning heat, Shelters... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 622 pages
...fig-tree, not that kind renown'd for fruit, But such as at this day to Indians known, In Malabar and Decan spreads her arms ; Branching so broad and long,...bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother-tree, a pillar'd shade, High over-arch'd, and echoing walks between. There oft the Indian herdsman,... | |
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