pay their sub SECT. 18. Whenever any instructor shall be absent Absentees must from school, and a temporary instructor rendered neces- stitutes. sary, the amount required to pay said substitute shall be withdrawn from the salary of the absentee; unless upon a representation of the case, by petition, and a report on said petition from the Standing Committee on Salaries, the Board shall order an allowance to be made. And no substitute shall be employed in any of the Primary Schools for more than one day at a time, without the approbation of one or more of the Sub-Committee of the school; nor in any department of the Grammar Schools without the approbation of two or more of the District Committee, the Chairman being one of them. The compensation per day allowed for substitutes in the Primary Schools, and for Assistants in the Grammar Schools, shall be $1.25; for Assistants in the Girls' High and Normal School, $ 1.50; for Ushers in the Grammar Schools, $2.75; for Sub-Masters in those schools, and for Ushers in the Latin and English High Schools, $3.75; for Sub-Masters in the Latin and English High Schools, and for Masters in the Grammar Schools, $5.00; for Masters in the Latin, English High, and Girls' High and Normal Schools, $ 6.00; for each day, counting six school days in the week, during which such substitute shall be employed. The compensation of temporary teachers shall be the same as that of substitutes. and ventilation. SECT. 19. It shall be the duty of all the instructors Temperature to give vigilant attention to the ventilation and temperature of their schoolrooms. A regular system of ventilation shall be practised, as well in winter as in summer, by which the air in the rooms shall be effectually changed at each recess, and at the end of each school session before the house shall be closed. Examination of SECT. 20. The Masters of the Grammar Schools cellars and un in season of fires. occupied rooms shall examine, or cause some competent person connected with each school to examine, during the season of fires, the cellars and unoccupied rooms in their respective buildings; such examinations to be made during the first and every succeeding hour of the forenoon and afternoon sessions, and the result made known to the master of the school. Recesses. Physical exer cise in schools. Care of school premises. Things not allowed, SECT. 21. There shall be a recess of fifteen minutes for every pupil each half day, including the time occupied in going out and coming in, which shall take place as nearly as may be at the expiration of one half of each school session. SECT. 22. The masters, ushers, and teachers, in the Public Schools shall so arrange the daily course of exercise in their respective classes that every scholar shall have daily, in the forenoon and afternoon, some kind of physical or gymnastic exercise; this exercise to take place as nearly as practicable midway between the commencement of the session and recess, and between recess and the end of the session. SECT. 23. The principal teachers of the several schools shall prescribe such rules for the use of the yards and out-buildings connected with the schoolhouses as shall insure their being kept in a neat and proper condition, and shall examine them as often as may be .necessary for such purpose, and they shall be held respon sible for any want of neatness or cleanliness on their premises; and when anything is out of order they must give immediate notice thereof to the Superintendent of Public Buildings. SECT. 24. No instructor in the Public Schools shall be allowed to teach in any other public school than that to which he or she has been appointed, nor to keep a private school of any description whatever, nor to attend to the instruction of any private pupils before 6 o'clock, P. M., except on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, nor to engage as editor of any newspaper, or of any religious or political periodical. SECT. 25. The instructors shall not award medals or Same. other prizes to the pupils under their charge; nor shall instructors become the recipients during term-time, and Presents. only from a graduating class at any other time, of any present of money, or other property, from the pupils. contribution. No subscription or contribution for any purpose what- Subscription or ever, shall be introduced into any public school. ment to be read SECT. 26. No person whatever shall read to the No advertisepupils of any school, or post upon the walls of any to the pupils. school building, or fences of the same, any advertise- ' ment. Nor shall any agent or other person be per- No agent to exmitted to enter any school for the purpose of exhibiting, school. either to teacher or pupils, any new book or article of apparatus. hibit articles in books and SECT. 27. The books used and the studies pursued Authorized in all the Public Schools shall be such, and such only, as studies. may be authorized by the Board; and the teachers shall not permit any books, tracts, or other publications to be distributed in their schools. have the books SECT. 28. No pupils shall be allowed to retain their Pupils must connection with any of the Public Schools unless they and utensils are furnished with the books and utensils regularly required. required to be used in the respective classes. indigent chil SECT. 29. In cases where children are in danger of Books, &c., for being deprived of the advantages of education, by reason dren. of inability to obtain books, through the poverty or negligence of parents or guardians, the Committee on Accounts are authorized, on behalf of the School Committee, to carry out the provisions of the Statute on this subject. During the first week in April, annually, the principal teacher in each Grammar School, and the teacher of each Primary School, shall make to the Secretary of the Board, a return of the names of all scholars supplied with books at the expense of the city, the names of the books so furnished, together with the names of the parents, guardians, or masters of said pupils; and suitable blanks shall be provided for this purpose by the Secretary. SECT. 30. All children living within the limits of the city, who are not otherwise disqualified, and who are upwards of five years of age, shall be entitled to attend the public schools of the city; but no child whose residence is not in the city, or who has only a temporary residence in it for the purpose of attending the Public Schools, shall be received or retained in any school, except upon the consent previously obtained of the District Committee; and said District Committee may, in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes, require the parent or guardian of such child, to pay a sum equal to the average cost per scholar of such school; for such period as said child may attend thereat.† "If any scholar is not furnished by his parent, master, or guardian, with the requisite books, he shall be supplied therewith by the School Committee at the expense of the town. "The School Committee shall give notice, in writing, to the assessors of the town, of the names of the scholars supplied with books under the provisions of the preceding section, of the books so furnished, the prices thereof, and the names of the parents, masters, or guardians, who ought to have supplied the same. The assessors shall add the price of the books to the next annual tax of such parents, masters, or guardians; and the amount so added shall be levied, collected, and paid into the town treasury, in the same manner as the town taxes. "If the assessors are of opinion that any parent, master, or guardian, is unable to pay the whole expense of the books so supplied on his account, they shall omit to add the price of such books, or shall only add a part thereof to his annual tax, according to their opinion of his ability to pay." [Gen. Stat. chap. 38, §§ 30, 31, 32.] "All children within the Commonwealth may attend the public schools in vaccination. SECT. 31. No pupil shall be admitted to the priv– Same. ilege of one school who has been expelled from another, or while under suspension, unless by vote of the Board. SECT. 32. No pupil shall be admitted into any of Certificate of the Public Schools without a certificate from a physician that he or she has been vaccinated, or otherwise secured against the smallpox; but this certificate shall not be required of pupils who go from one public school to another. pupils required. SECT. 33. No child who comes to school without Cleanliness of proper attention having been given to the cleanliness of his person and of his dress, or whose clothes are not properly repaired, shall be permitted to remain in school, but shall be sent home to be prepared for school in a proper manner. absence of pupils before SECT. 34. Tardiness shall be subject to such penalty Tardiness and as in each case the teacher may think proper. No pupil pupils. shall be allowed to be absent any part of the regular school hours for the purpose of receiving instruction, or taking lessons of any kind, elsewhere. Pupils detained Dismission of at home must, on returning to school, bring an excuse the close of the for such detention; and every pupil, wishing on any day session. to be dismissed before the close of the session, must assign satisfactory reasons therefor and obtain the consent of the teacher. Teachers having charge of pupils who are habitually truant shall report their names and resi- Truancy. the place in which they have their legal residence, subject to the regulations prescribed by law." [Gen. Stat. chap. 41, § 3.] "With the consent of school committees first obtained, children between the ages of five and fifteen may attend schools in cities and towns other than those in which their parents or guardians reside; but whenever a child resides in a city or town different from that of the residence of the parent or guardian, for the sole purpose of attending school there, the parent or guardian of such child shall be liable to pay to such city or town, for tuition, a sum equal to the average expense per scholar for such school, for the period the child shall have so attended." [Gen. Stat. chap 41, § 7.] |