The Poetical Register: Or, The Lives and Characters of All the English Dramatick Poets: With an Account of Their Writings, Volume 2E. Curll, 1720 - 380 pages |
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The Poetical Register: Or, The Lives and Characters of All the ..., Volume 2 Giles Jacob Affichage du livre entier - 1723 |
The Poetical Register: Or, The Lives and Characters of All the ..., Volume 2 Giles Jacob Affichage du livre entier - 1723 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Addifon admirable alfo Author Beauty befides beft Book born call'd Cambridge Chaucer confiderable Court Death defcended Defire Divine Dryden Duke Earl Eclogue Effay English Epiftle Epigram fame fays fecond felf fent feve feveral fhall fhew fhould fince firft firſt fmall fome foon fuch Gentleman Grace greateſt Heav'n Heroick Hiftory himſelf Honour Imitation ingenious John JOHN GOWER King Charles King Henry King James Kingdom of Ireland Lady laft late Latin Learning lefs likewife living Lord Lord Halifax Love Mafter Majefty Mifcellanies moft moſt Mufe Mufick Numbers obferves Occafions Oliver Cromwell Ovid Paffion Paftoral Perfon Piece Poem Poet Poetical Poetry Praife prefent Prince Profe Publick publish'd Queen Reign of King Reverend Satire Sir Philip Sidney thee thefe Lines theſe thofe thou thro Tranflation Univerfity University of Cambridge Verfes Verſes VIII whofe Wiat writ written wrote
Fréquemment cités
Page 250 - Thames ! the most loved of all the Ocean's sons, By his old sire, to his embraces runs, Hasting to pay his tribute to the sea, Like mortal life to meet eternity ; Though with those streams he no resemblance hold, Whose foam is amber, and their gravel gold * : His genuine and less guilty wealth t' explore, Search not his bottom, but survey his shore, O'er which he kindly spreads his spacious wing, And hatches plenty for th...
Page 192 - Full little knowest thou, that hast not tried, What hell it is in suing long to bide: To lose good days, that might be better spent; To waste long nights in pensive discontent; To speed to-day, to be put back to-morrow; To feed on hope, to pine with fear and sorrow; To have thy prince's grace, yet want her peers...
Page 140 - I'd in pleasure, ease, and plenty live. And as I near approach'd the verge of life, Some kind relation (for I'd have no wife) Should take upon him all my worldly care, Whilst I did for a better state prepare.
Page 270 - He kept up his good" humour to the laft ; and took leave of " his wife and friends, immediately before " his laft agony, with the fame tranquillity " of mind, and the fame indifference for " life, as though he had been upon taking " but a fhort journey. He was twice mar" ried, firft to a daughter of Mr.
Page 140 - Averse to vanity, revenge, and pride; In all the methods of deceit untry'd: So faithful to her friend, and good to all, No...
Page 46 - And never to the world beholden be, So much as for an epitaph for thee. I do not like the office ; nor is't fit Thou, who didst lend our age such sums of wit, Should'st now re-borrow from her bankrupt mine That ore to bury thee which...
Page 154 - That dare be covetous and proud : In golden bondage let them wait, And barter happiness for state. But oh ! my Celia, when thy swain Desires to see a court again, May...
Page 144 - Tis hard to say if greater want of skill Appear in writing or in judging ill ; But of the two less dangerous is th' offence To tire our patience than mislead our sense : Some few in that, but numbers err in this; Ten censure wrong for one who writes amiss ; A fool might once himself alone expose ; Now one in verse makes many more in prose.
Page 264 - Big with false hopes, and eager after fame ; Till looking round me, ere the race began, Madmen, and giddy fools, were all that ran ; Reclaim'd betimes, I from the lists retire, And thank the gods, who my retreat inspire.
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