Rules of the SenateState Printing Department, 1895 |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
absent member adjourn amend appoint Assess Bancroft Beckley bill or joint Bills and Joint Brownell Calbreath Carter Clerk Cogswell Committee on Enrolled Committee on Judiciary Committee on Public Dawson decided duly enrolled duty Elections and Privileges Engrossed Bills Enrolled Bills Federal Relations Gesner Gowan Hobson House bills House of Representatives House receiving Huston joint resolution JOINT RULES journal leave the Chair less number Maxwell McAlister McClung McGinn member may call member or members memorials motion Municipal Corporations OREGON paper or papers Patterson permitted to vote Pharmacy presiding officer Price Printer Public Buildings Public Lands questions of order quorum Railroads Raley read aloud reading of bills reading of House remonstrance Reports respective Houses Revision Roads and Highways RULE 11 RULE 13 RULE 9 Second reading sent Sergeant-at-Arms session Smith of Clatsop Smith of Sherman speak Speaker STANDING COMMITTEES Steiwer thereof third reading unless otherwise unless the Senate Vanderberg Woodard