Does the World Exist?: Plurisignificant Ciphering of RealityAnna-Teresa Tymieniecka Springer Science & Business Media, 6 déc. 2012 - 888 pages "Does the World exist?" There would be no reason to resurrect this question of modernity from its historical oblivion were it not for the fact that recent evolution in science and technology, impregnating culture, makes us wonder about the nature of reality, of the world we are living in, and of our status as living beings within it. Thus great metaphysical subjacent queries are forcefully revived, calling for new investigations to proceed in the light of the innumerable novel insights of science. This collection presents a wealth of material toward an elaboration of a new metaphysical groundwork of the ontopoiesis/ phenomenology of life sought to effect such investigations. The classic postulates of the metaphysics of reality, those of necessity and certainty here find a new formulation. Away from sclerotized ontological and cognitive assumptions and congenial with the views of contemporary science, the understanding of reality, of our world of life, and of ourselves within it is to be sought in the existential/ontopoietic ciphering of life (Tymieniecka). |
Table des matières
xi | |
1 | |
Ethical Remarks around the Specifically Human Existence in the Phenomenology of Life | 19 |
The Role of Ciphering in Phenomenology of Life | 39 |
Man NatureReflections on Feelingand Acting | 49 |
Ekstasy of the WorldImmanence of Life | 65 |
Tymienieckas Way through Philosophy | 85 |
Possibility and Actuality | 115 |
Trotsky Rivera and Breton and ManifestoTowards a Free Revolutionary Art | 445 |
Aesthic Objects and the Creation of the World | 465 |
Phenomenology of the Poetical | 483 |
Monade et MondeRéflexions sur les Méditations Cartesiennes | 501 |
Lethique phénoménologique | 513 |
Human Dignity and the Objectification of the Human Being | 535 |
Causality and Freedom in Roman Ingarden | 601 |
The Promised Landand the Denied Land | 609 |
The Advance of the Sense of the Controversy over the Existence of the World Heideggerian Work as an Example Ametaphilosophical Experience | 127 |
The IdealismRealism of Max Scheler | 145 |
MerleauPonty on FleshSoul and Place | 165 |
The Critique of the Phenomenological Concept of the World according to | 181 |
Phemomenology and the Space of the World | 199 |
Empathy and the Transcendental Constitution of the World | 215 |
Worlds Apart? Sartres and MerleauPontys Transition from Transcendental to Ontological Perspective on the Nature of the World | 237 |
Rethinking a Misleading Metaphor | 257 |
Experiencein the Philosophies | 281 |
Interhuman Communication Beyond the Limits of Time | 293 |
A Schutzs Contribution to Phenomenological Theory of Intersubjectivity | 311 |
Ingarden and the Philologist | 319 |
Narrative Self and World | 325 |
Ontopoiesis of Life and new Horizons in Hummanitarian Education | 337 |
Intentionality and the BeingintheLanguage | 347 |
Congnitive and Ontological Value | 371 |
Knowledge of the World or World of Knowledge? | 385 |
Ontopoética del Significante El Palpo Signo | 391 |
The Wisdom of Michelangelos Creation of Adam | 419 |
Artistic and Aesthetic Values as the Ontological Foundation for the World of the Literary Work | 433 |
Phenomenology as a Fact of Cultural History | 625 |
A Heideggerian Defense of Phenomenology Against Adornos Negative Dialectical Critique | 635 |
Husserlthe Mayaand the Prescientific World | 647 |
How does the Snake Exist in the Rope? The Controversy about the Status of the Existence of the World in Classical Indian Throught | 663 |
A Comparative Study of Some Aspects of Chinese and Husserlian Theory | 673 |
The World as an Eternal Entity and Vitalogical Living Reality | 681 |
A Hermeneutics of Narrative Discourse | 703 |
The Problem of space in Modern Philosophy | 717 |
Temporalization of the Body within Phenomenology and the Metaphysics of Manifestation | 727 |
The Metaphysical Foundations of Environmental Philosophy | 737 |
Toward a Phenomenological Grounding of the Geographical Conception of Conception of Therapeutic Landscapes | 743 |
Birth and Natality in Hannah Adert | 775 |
Some Neoevolutionist Perpectives | 797 |
An Historical Approach to Ontopoiesis of Life and Mind The Philosophy | 807 |
Science and reality | 819 |
Systems as Emergent Phenomena | 833 |
853 | |
865 | |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Does the World Exist?: Plurisignificant Ciphering of Reality Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka Aucun aperçu disponible - 2012 |
Does the World Exist?: Plurisignificant Ciphering of Reality Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka Aucun aperçu disponible - 2004 |