Mative to American Frede. The 2. propounded to Mr. Attorney way, on the 25-410.3. در Whether a Man born in Britain is capable and by what means of becoming a Subject of the United States. m To the effect of being qualified to are own, command, navigates American Ship, comporting importing, Lobacca or other Américan Commodities? Answer Very different questions may arises consequence of the Independenced of America But if dunderstand be presente Question, it is, whether a man bom. in Great Britain, and not resèdent in America at the time of her Independence being granted, can makes himself a subject of America "Jam of Opinion that he can not and that he is, notwithstanding his Residence in America, a British Subject and consequently cannd command an American Vessell in a British Port accord to the Act of Navigation" (Jum overs be American built owned by Amend Subject - and at least three fourthe of the Crew American - on failure of these requisites - the Vessel is forfeited. THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION BETWEEN THE SAID STATES. TO WHICH ARE NOW ADDED, THE PETITION OF CONGRESS TO THE KING DELIVERED BY MR. PENN. WITHAN PROVISIONAL TREATY WITH AMERICA; AN AUTHENTIC COPY OF THE TREATY CON- CLUDED BETWEEN THEIR HIGH MIGHTINES- SES THE STATES-GENERAL, AND THE UNITED PREFACE AND DEDICATION, By the Rev. WILLIAM JACKSON. Bp.of Oxford Printed for J. STOCKDALE, in Piccadilly. 1783. Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union be- tween the States of New Hampshire, Massachu- Jetts-Bay, Rhode-Island and Providence Planta- tions, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia Constitution of Massachusetts-Bay Charter of Rhode-Island Constitution of New-York Constitution of New-Jersey Constitution of Pennsylvania Constitution of Delaware Constitution of Maryland - - 30 36 |