Recollections of Curran and Some of His Contemporaries

C. Wiley & Company, 1818 - 340 pages

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Page 118 - Consider the lilies of the field; they toil not, neither do they spin: yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Page 65 - Cimon ; on the anticipated christianity of Socrates ; on the gallant and pathetic patriotism of Epaminondas ; on that pure austerity of Fabricius, whom to move from his integrity would have been more difficult than to have pushed the sun from his course. I would add, that if he had seemed to hesitate, it was but for a moment : that his hesitation was like the passing cloud...
Page 184 - ... death, and the supreme arbiter of both ? Have you not marked when he entered, how the stormy wave of the multitude retired at his approach ? Have...
Page 330 - ... do not strike him into that most dreadful of all human conditions, the orphanage that springs not from the grave, that falls not from the hand of Providence or the stroke of death, but comes before its time, anticipated and inflicted by the remorseless cruelty of parental guilt.
Page 60 - Nil habet infelix paupertas durius in se quam quod ridiculos homines facit. "Exeat...
Page 184 - ... councils of this government are holden over these catacombs of living death, where the wretch that is buried a man, lies till his heart has time to fester and dissolve, and is then dug up a witness.
Page 160 - If you doubt of the horrid consequences of suppressing the effusion even of individual discontent, look to those enslaved countries where the protection of despotism is supposed to be secured by such restraints. Even the person of the despot there is never in safety. Neither the fears of the despot, nor the machinations of the slave have any slumber, the one anticipating the moment of peril, the other watching the opportunity of aggression. The fatal crisis is equally a surprise upon both ; the decisive...
Page 155 - Mr. attorney-general has thought proper to direct your attention to the state and circumstances of public affairs at the time of this transaction ; let me also make a few retrospective observations on a period, at which he has but slightly glanced ; I speak of the events which took place before the close of the American war. You know, gentlemen, that France had espoused the cause of America, and we became thereby engaged in a war with that nation. Heu nescia mens hominum futuri!
Page 160 - ... to carry into effect those fatal conspiracies of the few against the many, when the devoted benches of public justice were filled by some of those foundlings of fortune, who, overwhelmed in the torrent of corruption at an early period, lay at the bottom like drowned bodies, while soundness or sanity remained in them ; but at length becoming buoyant by putrefaction, they rose as they rotted, and floated to the surface of the polluted stream, where they were drifted along, the objects of terror,...
Page 277 - ... if need be, the escape of those who are more immediately engaged. They are all, provided the fact be committed, in the eye of the law present at it ; for it...

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