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" O Cassius, you are yoked with a lamb That carries anger as the flint bears fire ; Who, much enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again. "
The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... - Page 315
de William Shakespeare - 1803
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The Speaker Or Miscellaneous Pieces Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1804 - 418 pages
...ever thou lov'd'st Cassius. Bru. Sheathe your dagger ; Be angry when you will , it shall have scope f Do what you will , dishonour shall be humour. O Cassius...lamb , That carries anger as the flint bears fire, \Vhich , much enforced , shows a hasty spark. , And straight is cold again. Cas. Hath Cassius liv'd...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the ..., Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 520 pages
...for, I know, When thou didst hate him worst, thou lov'dst him better Than ever thou lov'dst Cassius. Be angry when you will, it shall have scope; Do what...enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again. Bru. Sheath your dagger: Cas. Hath Cassius liv'd To be but mirth and laughter to his Brutus, When grief,...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Volume 11

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 318 pages
...heart : Strike, as thou didst at Caesar; for, I know, When thou didst hate him worst, thou lov'dst him better Than ever thou lov'dst Cassius. Bru. Sheath...enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again. Cos. Hath Cassius liv'd To be but mirth and laughter to his Brutus, When grief, and blood ill-temper'd,...
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The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays: Which are Acted at the ...

Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - 454 pages
...heart ; Strike, as thou didst at Caesar ; for I know, When thou didst hate him worst, thou lov'dst him better, Than ever thou lov'dst Cassius. Bru. Sheath...enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again. Cos. Hath Cassius liv'd To be but mirth and laughter to his Brutus, When grief and blood ill-temper'd...
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The Speaker; Or Miscellaneous Pieces: Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1808 - 434 pages
...When thou didst hate him worst, thou lov'd'st him better Than ever thou lov'd'st Cassius. Bru. Sheathe your dagger ; Be angry when you will, it shall have...a lamb, That carries anger as the flint bears fire ; Which much enforced, shews a hasty sparfe, And straight is cold again. Cas. Hath Cassius liv'd To...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volume 14

William Shakespeare - 1809 - 384 pages
...heart : Strike, as thou didst at Cscsar ; for, I know, When thou didst hate him worst, thou lov'dst him better Than ever thou lov'dst Cassius. Bru. Sheath...enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again. Cos. Hath Cassius liv'd To be but mirth and laughter to his Brutus, When grief, and blood ill-temper'd,...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: Julius Caesar ; Antony and Cleopatra ...

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 524 pages
...heart: Strike, as thou didst at Caesar ; for, I know, When thou didst hate him worst, thou lov'dst him better Than ever thou lov'dst Cassius. Bru. Sheath...again. Cas. Hath Cassius liv'd To be but mirth and laugh Jer to his Bruius, When grief, and biood ill-temper'd, vexeth him? Bru. When I spoke that, I...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 394 pages
...heart : Strike, as thou didst at Czsar ; for, 1 know. When thou didst hate him worst, thou lov'dst him better Than ever thou lov'dst Cassius. Bru. Sheath...enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again. Can. Hath Cassius liv'd To be but mirth and laughter to his Brutus, When grief, and blood ill-temper'd,...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: In Nine Volumes, Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 388 pages
.... Strike, as thou didst at C<esar ; for, I know, . When thou didst hate him worst, thou lov'dst him better Than ever thou lov'dst Cassius. Bru. Sheath...enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again. Caa. Hath Cassius liv'd To be but mirth and laughter to his Brutus, When grief, and blood ill-temper'd,...
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An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking: Calculated to ...

Noah Webster - 1814 - 236 pages
...know, When thou did'st hate him worst, thou loved'st him better Than ever thou loved'st Cassius. i Bru. Sheath your dagger ; Be angry when you will,...a lamb, That carries anger as the flint bears fire ; " * : Which, much enforced, shows a hasty spark, And strait is cool again. Cas. Hath Cassius lived...
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