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Livres Livres
" Those morning haunts are where they should be, at home; not sleeping, or concocting the surfeits of an irregular feast, but up and stirring, in winter often ere the sound of any bell awake men to labour or to devotion; in summer as oft with the bird that... "
Supplement to the Connecticut Courant: Containing Tales, Travels, History ... - Page 8
de Connecticut Courant - 1835
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books, Volume 2

John Milton - 1750 - 682 pages
...fummer as oft with the bird that firft roufes, or not much tardier, to read good authors, or caufe ' them to be read, till the attention be weary, or memory have its fall fraught. This garden, ilill to tend plant, herb and flower, Our pleafant task injoin'd, but till...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books, Volume 2

John Milton - 1750 - 692 pages
...fummer as oft with the bird that firft rouics, or not much tardier, to read good authors, or caufe them to be read, till the attention be weary, or memory have it> full frauglH. This garden, ftill to tend plant, herb and flower, Our pleafant task injoin'd, but...
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The Life of John Milton: Containing, Besides the History of His Works ...

John Toland - 1761 - 278 pages
...fummer as oft with " the bird that firft roufes, or not much tardier, to " read good authors, or caufe them to be read, till " the attention be weary, or memory have its full " fraught. Then with ufeful and generous labors " preferving the bodys health and hardinefs, to " render a lightfom, clear,...
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Volume 20

1791 - 536 pages
...bird that firft rifes, or not much tardier, to reade good authors, or to caufe them to be read, til! the attention be weary, or memory have its full fraught. Then', with generous and ufcfull labours, prefcrving the bodies health and hardinen'e ; to render lightfome, clear,...
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Volume 20

1791 - 542 pages
...that firit riles, or not much tardier, toreade " çood authors, or to caulê them to be read, •ill the attention be weary, or memory have its full fraught. Then, with generous and ufefull labours, preferring the bodies health and hardinelle ; to reader lighrforne, clear,...
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Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged

1805 - 574 pages
...of any bell awake men to labour, or to devotion ; in summer, as oft with the bird that first arises, or not much tardier, to read good authors, or cause them to be read, till attention be weary, or memory have its full fraught: then with useful and generous labours preserving...
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The Prose Works of John Milton: With a Life of the Author, Volume 1

John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - 446 pages
...fummer as oft with the bird that firft roufes, or not much tardier, to read good authors, or caufe them to be read, till the attention be weary, or memory have its full fraught : then with ufeful and generous labours pieferving the body's health and hardinefs to render lightfome, clear,...
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The Prose Works of John Milton: With a Life of the Author, Volume 1

John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - 440 pages
...fummer as oft with the bird that firft roufes, or not much taYdier, to read good authors, or caufe them to be read, till the attention be weary, or memory have its full fraught: then with ufeful and generous labours pieferving the body's health and hardinefs to render lightfome, clear,...
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Prose Works ...: Containing His Principal Political and ..., Volume 1

John Milton - 1809 - 534 pages
...stirring, in winter often ere the sound of any bell awake men to labour, or to devotion ; in summer as oft with the bird that first rouses, or not much...have its full fraught: then with useful and generous labours preserving the body's health and hardiness to render lightsome^ clear, and not lumpish obedience...
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The life of Milton, and Conjectures on the Origin of Paradise Lost, by ...

William Hayley - 1810 - 472 pages
...stirring ; in winter often ere the sound of any bell awake men to labor or to devotion ; in summer, as oft with the bird that first rouses, or not much...have its full fraught ; then with useful and generous labours, preserving the body's health and hardiness, to render lightsome, clear, and not lumpish obedience...
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